Making a Splash with 360 RAIN
360 Yield Center
By delivering bands of water directly to the base of the plant, 360 RAIN provides advantages over traditional irrigation methods. With a 60-foot boom (24 rows), 360 RAIN applies water through Y-DROP style hoses. Up to 2,600 feet of 3-inch diameter hose is dispense by a computer-controlled reel. The machine moves up and down the crop rows as the well-tethered reel dispenses and retrieves hose. At 0.45 mph, 360 RAIN can apply over 2,000,000 gallons of water per week – the equivalent of one inch of rain over an 80-acre field from a well producing just 215 gallons per minute. And then start again. And again. Providing the three or four inches of critical moisture that activates soil microbes, enhances grain fill and allows plants to thrive.