About AgrisAcademy
Videos that explain more about how AgrisAcademy LLC was formed and other general topics
Mikes Bio Agris Academy
Mike gives detail on his diverse background up to his cofounding of Agris Academy
Jeff's BIO AgrisAcademy 2024
This video explains the winding road that brought cofounder Jeff Kazin to start Agris Academy
Mike's Biography | AgrisAcademy
Short synopsis of Mikes path leading up to founding Agris Academy. The video mentions his time as a trader, working in agriculture startups, and investing in early-stage agriculture technology
Jeff's Biography | AgrisAcademy
Short synopsis of Jeff's path to founding Agris Academy. This details his career in Cargill as well as his farming operations.
Enroll in Merchandising & Risk Management Master Class | AgrisAcademy
Enroll in a Master Class in merchandising and risk management specifically for producers and hosted on the AcresTV platform. Instructors with over 60 years of experience teach you the best practices and tricks of the trade over a 10-week course - www.agrisacademy.com/online-course/
We Are Coming to 2023 Ag PhD Field Day | AgrisAcademy
Why an Education Business in Risk Management and Merchandising | AgrisAcademy
I describe an incident in the fall of 2022 that helped clearly view the need for an education platform for merchandising and risk managment
Story Time - Why an Education Company | AgrisAcademy
Jeff shares a story that inspired the founding of AgrisAcademy. This story relates things like asset utilization, market understanding, and confidence that go into be a great risk manager for your farm.
Why We Need an Education Platform for Farmers | AgrisAcademy
Calling the Women in Agriculture | AgrisAcademy
Women are an important part of today's farming operations. Many of our female clients are the decision makers for the farms grain merchandising and risk management. We want to personally invite the women of agriculture to attend the AgrisAcademy master class.