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Ag Entertainment

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Ag Entertainment
  • Denmark's Farrowing Crates to America's Feed Additives | Damian Mason

    Lasse Jakobsen was born in Denmark, now the Millennial heads up U.S. business development for the company his grandfather created to serve European hog production. Today, Protekta is a joint venture with a Danish organization that produces feed additives, among other things, for pork, poultry, an...

  • The Future of Ag, Technology, and Equipment | Damian Mason

    Your smart phone has more technology and capability than NASA’s Apollo program had 50 years ago. Think about that, then think about the technology in today’s modern farm machinery. Data collection, yield monitoring, analysis down to the square foot…It’s amazing to say the least. John Deere busine...

  • Revisionist Ag History & Rose-Colored Lenses | Damian Mason

    Two weeks ago I posted on social media a photo of an antique tractor next to a modern machine. In my post I referenced the advancements we’ve made since the antique tractor worked the land — 7 times increase in per acre yield, less natural resource consumption per calorie produced, environmental ...

  • Renewable Diesel — Will We Really Need 18 Million More Acres? | Damian Mason

    Renewable diesel is the new buzz talk everywhere in Agriculture. Will its take off and reality match the fervor in farm circle discussions? Will the tax credits giving RD lift off remain with us? Will more biofuel fuel the “no food for fuel” debate? Well, yes, that’s almost a guarantee! Mac Marsh...

  • Fertilizer, Florida Agriculture & Hurricane Ian | Damian Mason

    Fertilizer markets have been tumultuous for a few years now. Just when you thought things had settled down on fertilizer price and availability, a hurricane hit, a war broke out, and the Mississippi dried up. Nathan Carson is VP of Operations with Chemical Dynamics, a Florida specialty fertilizer...

  • What an Aging/Shrinking Population Means for Ag (& Everyone!) | Damian Mason

    The global population is getting older and fertility rates have been plummeting. Unless you follow my commentary, this is probably news to you. Most everyone in Ag is still operating under the misguided assumption that population growth is boundless. It’s not. As fertility rates drop like a rock,...

  • Fats, Oils & Fuels | Damian Mason

    There’s an industry within the world’s most important industry that most folks probably don’t think a lot about but it’s huge and it’s growing: The fats and oils side of Ag. Vegetable oil demand is growing, not just because of human consumption but also as a fuel source with renewable diesel and ...

  • Carbon Negative Renewable Energy That Benefits Agriculture? | Damian Mason

    While Ag’s detractors often paint Agriculture as an environmental villain, I promote Agriculture as an environmental solution. Renewable energy, carbon sequestration, water filtration, and enviro benefit via land management are all enhanced through Agriculture. In the future we may also be a rese...

  • The Scoop on Shipping and Transportation (What It Means for Ag!) | Damian Mason

    We began incessantly hearing the words “supply chain” a year after we’d already been feeling the brunt of its breakdown. In Agriculture it became noticeable when meat and milk processing plants closed or couldn’t convert to a new product mix during shutdowns. Then it moved to a supply problem, me...

  • Montana Ag — It’s Not Yellowstone! | Damian Mason

    There’s way more to Montana than just Yellowstone — the park AND the popular television show. Montana agriculture is diverse, productive, and as big as the Big Sky state. The state produces wheat, oats, flax, canola, camelina, lentils, peas, and more. Justin Miller, a fifth generation Montana far...

  • How (Misguided) Environmentalism Is Taking Food Off Our Plate | Damian Mason

    The Columbia - Snake River system consists of 465 miles of river that acts as Agricultural infrastructure. The waterways and their 8 dams allow barges to move 10% of America’s exported wheat and 40% of the inland Northwest’s total wheat production. In short, the river system is vital for food pro...

  • The Evolution of Crop Insurance to Keep American Ag Solvent | Damian Mason

    50 years we didn’t have much in the way of crop insurance. Then came the 80’s and the realization it was smarter — and more financially sound— for the government to subsidize crop insurance. Today, more than 90% of American cropland acres are insured. But that’s still not enough coverage for the ...

  • Money In Ag — A Mid 2022 Perspective | Damian Mason

    Farm land prices are up. A lot! So are interest rates, input prices, and diesel fuel. What does all this mean heading into fall and for 2023? Should you buy acres to expand your Ag enterprise in this environment? How will a doubling of operating loan interest rates impact your bottom line. Jarod ...

  • The Future of Ag & The Ag Inputs Business | Damian Mason

    Biologicals are the newest iteration in Ag inputs but they’ve actually been around for several decades and they still lack consistent results. Consolidation among Ag’s biggest players has left just a handful of huge companies — will they all still be here in a decade? If so, who will they acquire...

  • How "Green” Legislation Harms Food Production & The Environment | Damian Mason

    During the Summer of 2022, Dutch farmers began protesting extreme environmental legislation poised to force liquidation of livestock and shut down farms. The purpose of Holland's legislation is allegedly for the good of the environment, but upon further analysis, the laws will simply offshore and...

  • An Asparagus Entrepreneur | Damian Mason

    Ken Wall left his post as an attorney and moved his two sons back to the Ontario specialty crop farm he was raised on in the 1990s. Since then he’s expanded the enterprise, gotten in the seed business, built a food processing facility, and created a niche manufacturing company. He explains the bu...

  • Finding Fairness In Farm Transition | Damian Mason

    ou’ve likely heard the horror stories about unhealthy Agricultural family business succession. Dysfunctional relationships, favoritism, squandered wealth, sibling rivalry — Elaine Froese, the Farm Family Coach, has seen it all. The sad part: it’s all preventable. Elaine joins me to discuss strate...

  • 13 Trends Impacting the Future of Food Production - Part 1 | Damian Mason

    A new white paper produced by a team of members of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers outlines 13 trends impacting the future of production Agriculture. In this two-part episode I am joined by an AEM panel to dig into the trends and provide outlook on the rapid changes coming to Ag over t...

  • Detecting Pathogens Proactively with Advanced Soil Analytics | Damian Mason

    Diseases, pathogens, and parasites rob yield from our farms and unfortunately, we usually don’t know we have the problem until the damage is done. But what if a soil analysis — which you are already doing for soil nutrient monitoring — could also predict pathogens so that you could treat the prob...

  • 13 Trends Impacting the Future of Food Production - Part 2 | Damian Mason

    A new white paper produced by a team of members of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers outlines 13 trends impacting the future of production Agriculture. In this two-part episode I am joined by an AEM panel to dig into the trends and provide outlook on the rapid changes coming to Ag over t...

  • Distorted World Markets & Record Prices.Time for GMO Wheat? | Damian Mason

    Wheat prices are in record territory. Russia is reportedly seizing Ukrainian wheat and re-selling it. Africa and the Middle East might very well be starving soon, given wheat shortages. And the USA planted fewer acres of wheat last year than at any time on record, as farmers switched acreage to m...

  • The Future of Biofuel | Damian Mason

    as price hikes are a daily conversation and the exorbitant price of fuel is literally hyper-fueling inflation. The last time we saw conditions like this was the 1970s which gave rise to a new product — “Gasohol.” From there, came the ethanol boom and biodiesel. But diesel from soybeans never real...

  • How Are Farm Finances & What Should We Expect in ‘22? | Damian Mason

    2022 started off with dire predictions for production Agriculture’s financial outlook. But, by mid spring the picture was changing, and by early summer a very profitable year was being predicted. Is that still the case? Are farm balance sheets going to swell? Or will interest rates and inflationa...

  • Corn Warriors | 606 | Thoughts & Sprayers

    The Ochsners spray their crops and scout some damaged corn while the Atleys take a deeper look at theirs.