Ag PhD Farm Basics

Ag PhD Farm Basics

6 Seasons

In these Farm Basics segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty present on-farm topics to a non-farming audience, peeling back the curtain with down-to-earth explanations that help viewers achieve a better understanding of the truth of agriculture.

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Ag PhD Farm Basics
  • Automatic Shutoffs on Planters and Sprayers | Ag PhD

    Episode 1290

    Brian and Darren Hefty explain how farmers avoid overlap when applying herbicides or planting seed.

  • Warm vs Cold Germination Tests | Ag PhD

    Episode 1289

    How well will your seeds sprout in cold soils next spring? Brian & Darren explain the variety of germination trials performed by seed companies to help you select the best for your part of the world.

  • Winter Product Storage | Ag PhD

    Episode 1288

    Darren and Brian discuss the challenges of storing herbicides and fertilizers over the winter.

  • Root vs Shoot Inhibitors | Ag PhD

    Episode 1287

    Know your herbicide - some kill the roots while some stop the above-ground parts of the plant. You need to understand what your products are targeting to get the best results.

  • Contact vs Residual Herbicides | Ag PhD

    Episode 1286

    Learn about two different ways that herbicides can kill weeds.

  • Keeping Carbon in the Soil | Ag PhD

    Episode 1285

    Brian and Darren tell us how to get more yield and a better Earth by keeping an eye on the C.

  • The Weed Seed Bank | Ag PhD

    Episode 1284

    Darren and Brian explain why fighting weeds can sometimes be a never-ending battle.

  • What is Apical Dominance? | Ag PhD

    Episode 1283

    What happens if your top growing point is lost? Brian and Darren Hefty explain what agronomists call apical dominance in today's Farm Basics.

  • Personal Protective Equipment | Ag PhD

    Episode 1282

    The Hefty brothers talk about reading safety data sheets and wearing personal protective equipment when using things like pesticides and household cleaners.

  • Weed Control in Shelterbelts | Ag PhD

    Episode 1281

    Ideas on how to start and maintain rows of trees around your farm. Brian and Darren share products and techniques to kill the weeds not the trees.

  • What Is An LD50? | Ag PhD

    Episode 1280

    Brian and Darren discuss the safety and risks of pesticides and other everyday things by understanding LD50 ratings.

  • Farm Trash | Ag PhD

    Episode 1279

    In the past, trash was buried in farmyards. These days we need to be better stewards of the Earth.

  • Road Safety | Ag PhD

    Episode 1278

    Brian and Darren talk about how to stay safe when sharing the road with farm equipment.

  • Field Operations at Night | Ag PhD

    Episode 1277

    Night-farming happens each fall as producers fight the impending weather to get their crops in. Brian and Darren share their concerns with after-hours farm work.

  • Preventing Grain Spoilage in Storage | Ag PhD

    Episode 1276

    Brian and Darren explain how farmers keep grain from spoiling when storing it in grain bins long term.

  • Bale or Leave Residue? | Ag PhD

    Episode 1275

    To bale or not too bale, that is the question. Brian & Darren say both choices can add value to your farm.

  • Drying Grain | Ag PhD

    Episode 1274

    The Hefty brothers talk about how farmers deal with various grain moisture percentages when harvesting and storing crops.

  • What is Corn Silage? | Ag PhD

    Episode 1273

    Reaping the whole corn plant vs. only the grain makes for two different ways to manage your harvest. Brian & Darren Hefty talk about silage in today's Farm Basics

  • Ordering Seed Early | Ag PhD

    Episode 1272

    Learn why farmers sometimes order next year's seed so early.

  • Brace Roots in Corn | Ag PhD

    Episode 1271

    The final of the 4 root systems in corn are brace roots. Brian & Darren tell us the different reasons why and where exactly they appear, if at all.

  • Pesticides and Biotechnology | Ag PhD

    Episode 1270

    Brian and Darren separate fact from fiction when it comes to pesticides and biotechnology.

  • Insect Life Cycles | Ag PhD

    Episode 1269

    There are so many varieties of bugs out there - some crawl, some fly, some eat leaves, some eat stems. And some will do it all, depending on what stage of their life they're in, Brian and Darren examine insects in today's Farm Basics.

  • The Green Bridge | Ag PhD

    Episode 1268

    Brian and Darren explain what the "green bridge" is and why farmers want to eliminate it.

  • Ag PhD Field Day 2022

    Episode 1267

    We invite to come to Baltic, SD on Thursday 28th July 2022 for the free farm festivities on the Hefty fields.