Ag PhD Farm Basics
5 Seasons
In these Farm Basics segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty present on-farm topics to a non-farming audience, peeling back the curtain with down-to-earth explanations that help viewers achieve a better understanding of the truth of agriculture.
04:07Episode 1295
Surface vs Sub-Surface Drainage | Ag PhD
Episode 1295
There are two main ways farmers manage water issues in the field. Both ditching and tiling are useful tools to help the crop get ideal moisture.
03:29Episode 1294
Ears Of Corn Per Plant | Ag PhD
Episode 1294
Brian and Darren talk about why corn plants usually have only one ear, instead of multiple ears per plant.
02:39Episode 1293
Nutrient Movement in the Plant | Ag PhD
Episode 1293
Many nutrients are mobile in the plant but some are not. You can see what plant food you are short on by looking at where the discolored leaves occur on your crop.
04:00Episode 1292
Bt Corn | Ag PhD
Episode 1292
Darren and Brian explain what Bt corn is and the benefits it provides to farmers.
03:55Episode 1291
Autosteer and GPS | Ag PhD
Episode 1291
It's a lot easier to get straight rows these days thanks to computers in the tractor cab. Brian & Darren talk about the way producers are using the latest technology to help improve many aspects on the farm.