Ag PhD Full Episodes
6 Seasons
Hosted by Brian and Darren Hefty, Ag PhD brings new information on how to improve crop health throughout the season, protect the environment, and produce more yields at harvest. New episodes weekly.
Products From Corn, Grain Bins in the Spring, Soybean Seed Treatments | Ag PhD
Episode 1407
The Hefty brothers spring forward, by celebrating corn's many uses, giving bins some attention, and bathing seeds in TLC. Weed of the Week, dame's rocket, is on the launch pad, and Iron Talk takes you from a handful of soil to seeing the big picture this spring.
Crop Insurance First Plant Date, Talc Products in Corn, Three Pre's in Soybeans
Episode 1406
Brian and Darren explain how crop insurance affects how early a farmer can plant. They also discuss applying products on corn seed with your talc, and keys to getting great weed control in soybeans by using the "Three Pre Program."
The Drought Monitor, Pop-Up Fertilizer Advice, Burning Down Cover Crops | Ag PhD
Episode 1405
The Hefty brothers help you get tuned up for spring with: an excellent drought data source, a primer on feeding your seeds, and all about how to transition from cover to cash crops. Plus a foxy foe is this week's weed, and planter equipment tips in Iron Talk.
Allelopathy in Plants, Early Corn Planting, Herbicide Rotational Restrictions
Episode 1404
Brian and Darren discuss how plants protect themselves naturally through allelopathy, how to successfully plant corn early this season, and how you can avoid herbicide carryover issues.
Water Table, Chemical Component Chart, Tips for Early Planted Soybeans | Ag PhD
Episode 1403
Class is in session, as the Heftys give lessons on the water beneath your feet, the chemistry in your sprayer, and the best way to get a head start on your beans. Plus wheat is a weed this week, and Darren shows us around the Hefty Morton farm shop.
Crop Rotation, Spray Water Quality, Corn Planting Population | Ag PhD
Episode 1402
Brian and Darren explain why farmers alternate which crops they plant, why the quality of the water you use for spraying is important, and things to consider when increasing or decreasing your corn planting population.
Kinsey Soil Seminar 2025, Insecticide Modes of Action, XtendFlex Without Dicamba
Episode 1401
Ready for some new ideas? The Hefty brothers invite you to learn soils from a world expert, teach you about insecticide chemistry, and alternatives in soybean weed management. Plus, the Weed of the Week is prickly lettuce, with an Iron Talk on using your computer.
Insect Life Cycles, Drought-Proof Your Crop, Combination Corn Pre Herbicides
Episode 1400
Brian and Darren discuss how farmers deal with insects differently, depending on their life cycles. They also offer tips on how to help your crop handle dry conditions, and talk about what to consider when choosing a multiple-mode-of-action pre-emerge corn herbicide.
Ag PhD Soybean Workshop, Comparing the Top Corn Traits, Burning Residue | Ag PhD
Episode 1399
The Heftys help you choose the right corn traits, and the best way to manage residue. Everyone's invited to the free Soybean Workshop. Plus getting one over on clover, and a fert placement two-step that'll save you money.
2025 Ag PhD Soils Clinic, Herbicide Modes of Action, Corn Pre-Emerge Herbicides
Episode 1398
Brian and Darren invite you to attend the Ag PhD Soils Clinic on February 4, 2025. They also discuss using the Ag PhD Modes of Action app to plan your herbicide program, and then go into detail about Group 15 herbicides you could use in corn.
Insects Over the Winter, New Products and Tech in Wheat, Row Spacing | Ag PhD
Episode 1397
How do bugs survive the cold, what's new in wheat, and what's the correct planting distance for crops? Plus velvetleaf Weed of the Week, and applying micros in Iron Talk.
2025 Ag PhD Corn Workshop, Cutting Herbicide Rates, The Importance of Sulfur
Episode 1396
Darren and Brian invite you to attend the Ag PhD Corn Workshop on January 15, 2025. They also discuss whether or not you could cut your herbicide rates and still get effective weed control, then talk about the reasons to apply sulfur and how to get the most out of that application.