Ag PhD Full Episodes
6 Seasons
Hosted by Brian and Darren Hefty, Ag PhD brings new information on how to improve crop health throughout the season, protect the environment, and produce more yields at harvest. New episodes weekly.
How Farmers Reduce Erosion, Our Corn Program, Sulfur Management | Ag PhD
Episode 1343
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about reducing tillage to save your soil, everything they do to raise high-yield corn, and sulfur needs in crops. The Weed of the Week is Jerusalem artichoke, plus an Iron Talk on the best way to spread micros.
2024 Ag PhD Corn Workshop, Manganese, Using Yellows in Soybeans
Episode 1342
Darren and Brian Hefty invite you to attend the 2024 Ag PhD Corn Workshop at the Morton Center in Baltic, SD. They also discuss the importance of manganese for your crops, and why you should be using a "yellow" herbicide in your soybean pre-emerge program.
Yield Map Uses, Copper, Prepaying Crop Inputs | Ag PhD
Episode 1341
The Hefty brothers discuss what a farmer can wield with a good yield map, the best practices with the micronutrient copper, and the process for buying supplies overwinter. Plus the Weed of the Week is prostrate vervain, and an Iron Talk on reasons and solutions for fallen corn.
2024 Ag PhD Soils Clinic, Iron For Crops, Corn Planting Population
Episode 1340
Brian and Darren invite you to the 2024 Ag PhD Soils Clinic. They also discuss the importance of having iron available for your crops, as well as factors to consider if you're thinking about increasing your corn planting population.
Ground Freezing, Herbicide Carryover and Your Rotation, Manage Zinc | Ag PhD
Episode 1339
Is it better to farm in places with cold or milder winters? Will the herbicide you applied this year hurt the new crop you plant in a few months? And what's the purpose of zinc? The Hefty brothers answer all of this and more, plus they talk buckbrush control and combine winter maintenance.
Crop Residue, Biological Nitrogen Replacement Products, Boron | Ag PhD
Episode 1338
Find out how farmers can speed up the breakdown of crop residue, biological products you could use to get nitrogen into your crops, and what you should know about testing for and applying boron.
Price Protection, Soybean Seeding Rate, Fixing Phosphorus Fertility | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about saving you money at the register, planting more soybean seeds per acre, and the tricks to getting the most out of your phosphorus. Also, the Weed of the Week is perennial sow thistle, and the hot topic in Iron Talk is engine coolants.
Flat Rate vs. Variable Rate Fertilizer, Sodic Soil, Seed Corn Buying Decisions
Episode 1336
Brian and Darren explain how farmers use technology to apply the proper rates of fertilizer across a field, how to identify and fix a sodic soil, and factors to consider when buying seed corn for next season.
Catching Snow, Base Saturation: Calcium, Strip-Till in Heavy Residue | Ag PhD
Episode 1335
In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about: how to make all that winter precipitation work for you in the spring, how much Ca you need in your soil, and how to strip-till in a field thick with stalks and leaves. The Weed is roughstalk bluegrass, and protecting your bulk chemicals is the I...
Golden Rice, Magnesium Base Saturation, Fall Residual Herbicide Application
Episode 1334
Learn how biotechnology and Golden Rice are saving lives, what levels of magnesium you should have in your soils, and how to have great weed control in the spring by spraying residual herbicides in the fall.
Surface vs Subsurface Drainage, Fix Compaction, Base Sat: Potassium | Ag PhD
Episode 1333
The Hefty brothers talk about how water's always flowing on or below your soil, how to handle compacted soil, and how to determine the right amount of K to have in your soil. The Weed of the Week is the evasive Russian knapweed, and Darren talks Demco grain carts.
Harvest Loss, Interest Rates & Financing, Fall Nitrogen Management | Ag PhD
Episode 1332
Brian and Darren discuss how to calculate potential per-acre loss at harvest, how to spend your money wisely when purchasing crop inputs for next season, and the best way to invest your nitrogen dollars if you're applying nitrogen this fall.
Burning Ditches & Residue, Cation Exchange Capacity, Tile Installation | Ag PhD
Episode 1331
The Hefty brothers discuss why a farmer would burn in and around their fields, measuring how 'heavy' soil is, and they share their tricks about putting in drainage tile. The Weed of the Week is broadleaf signalgrass, and Iron Talk is all about VRAFY.
Drying Grain, Residue Management, Matching Soil Test Data to Yield Data | Ag PhD
Episode 1330
Find out how farmers dry grain down to an ideal moisture percentage, how to manage residue in fields to avoid harm to the next crop, and how to increase yield and profitability by correlating your soil test data to your yield data.
Discolored Soybeans, How to Fix High Soil pH, Fall Herbicide Spraying | Ag PhD
Episode 1329
What if your soybeans turn out purple, or your soil pH is 8, or you have a lot of perennial weeds after harvest? The Hefty brothers have these answers, and also talk prostrate pigweed, and corn shatter loss in this episode.
Corn Silage vs Grain, Soybean Harvest Moisture, Raising Soil pH | Ag PhD
Episode 1328
Learn why farmers choose to harvest their corn for grain or as silage, why you should harvest your soybeans at a higher moisture percentage, and how to raise a low soil pH.
Automatic Bin Fan Controls, Fall Pasture Spraying, Grids vs Zones | Ag PhD
Episode 1327
The coming of fall means keeping your grain at the right moisture now through technology, weeding your livestock grass for a spring grazing, and soil sampling in a clear and organized fashion. Plus the Hefty brothers discuss creeping charlie and deep fertilizer placement.
Personal Protective Equipment, How To Soil Sample, Problem Weed Control Fields
Episode 1326
Learn how to stay safe when applying pesticides, how to finally get rid of persistent weeds in your fields, and best practices for soil sampling.
Re-Entry Intervals, Herbicide Carryover, Pasture Fertility Programs | Ag PhD
Episode 1325
The Hefty brothers talk pesticide safety for humans, animals, and next year's crop. Soil sampling is the key to great pasture grasses. The Weed of the Week is fall panicum and Iron Talk covers cleaning up after a downed corn harvest.
Pre-Harvest Intervals, Fall Alfalfa Seeding, Winter Wheat Seed Treatments|Ag PhD
Episode 1324
Brian and Darren explain what a pre-harvest interval is, why seeding alfalfa in the late summer or early fall is a good idea, and what to apply to your winter wheat seed to help your crop get off to a great start.
Soybean Reproductive Stages, Wheat Herbicides, Cover Crop Conversation | Ag PhD
Episode 1323
The Hefty brothers talk flowers and pods in beans, what exactly to put down on wheat, and how two months of late oats save the soil. The Weed of the Week is horsenettle. And Iron Talk is buzzing with bees.
Corn Reproductive Stages, Grain Bin Prep & Late-Season Rain in Soybeans | Ag PhD
Episode 1322
Brian and Darren discuss the basics of corn reproduction, how to prepare your grain bins for harvest season, and how August rains can benefit your soybeans.
Warm vs. Cool-Season Grasses, Test Weight and Protein, Tar Spot Disease | Ag PhD
Episode 1321
The Hefty Brothers discuss how the weather can effect your lawn, how to increase your yield and quality of your wheat, and how they control corn diseases on their farm. Plus they talk buffalobur and windrowers.
Removing Crop Residue, Post-Harvest Burndown, Late-Season Soybean Fungicides
Episode 1320
Learn why some farmers remove wheat straw or other residue after harvest, what products to use for a post-harvest burndown this summer, and why you shouldn't stop your soybean fungicide program too early this season.