Ag PhD Full Episodes
6 Seasons
Hosted by Brian and Darren Hefty, Ag PhD brings new information on how to improve crop health throughout the season, protect the environment, and produce more yields at harvest. New episodes weekly.
Starting Shelterbelts, 2023 Drought Tips, Spider Mite Management | Ag PhD
Episode 1319
Brian and Darren talk about nutrients for trees, how to prepare for lack of rain, and why the mites do well in the drought. The Weed of the Week is common knotweed and Iron Talk is about slowing down your sprayer.
Ag PhD Field Day 2023, Late-Season Weeds In Corn, Late-Season Soybean Diseases
Episode 1318
Brian and Darren invite you to the 2023 Ag PhD Field Day. Then they discuss whether or not you should control large weeds in your corn around brown silk stage, and how to prevent various late-season diseases in soybeans.
All About Barns, Alfalfa Summer Treatments, Late Season Insects | Ag PhD
Episode 1317
Grass Waterways, Aerial Application, Foliar Feeding | Ag PhD
Episode 1316
Brian and Darren talk about the purpose of grass waterways, what you should consider when calling your aerial applicator, and things to know about foliar feeding during the season.
Soybean Flowering, Satellite Imagery, Tar Spot is Coming | Ag PhD
Episode 1315
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about why June 21st is significant in soybeans, plus a great new way to study your fields, and what is being done to stop the latest corn disease headed your way. The Weed of the Week is smallflower buttercup. And state of the art farm shops are shown.
Plant Growth Hormones, Dicamba • Enlist • Liberty • Roundup, White Mold | Ag PhD
Episode 1314
This week, Brian and Darren discuss the use of plant growth hormones on the farm, how to get the most out of your dicamba, Enlist, Liberty, or Roundup application in soybeans, and how to minimize white mold pressure in soybeans.
Ag PhD Field Day, Herbicide Carryover, Later-Season Wheat Treatments
Episode 1313
Brian and Darren Hefty explain all the great things in Field Day, how to avoid hurting future crops with previous year's sprays, and what your wheat wants at both flag leaf and heading stages. The Weed of the Week is yellow foxtail and the Iron Talk is about air inversions.
Corn Maturity Selection, Plant Tissue Analysis, Iron Deficiency Chlorosis|Ag PhD
Episode 1312
Learn how farmers decide what maturity of corn to plant, how to improve your fertility program by doing plant tissue analysis, and how to fix iron deficiency chlorosis in soybeans.
Ag PhD Scouting and Scholarships, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Sidedressing Nutrients
Episode 1311
In this episode the Hefty brothers talk about helping those new to farming, biologicals that you may not have heard of yet, and applying N, S, and B after your crop has come up. The Weed of the Week is compass plant. Plus Darren talks about paying $640/hr to spray fields!
How Much Seed Do Farmers Buy, Late-Planted Corn, Post-Emerge Soybean Herbicides
Episode 1310
Learn how farmers decide how much seed to purchase when planting the farm, how to maximize yield when planting corn later in the season, and the best ways to control weeds post-emerge in soybeans.
Sweet vs. Field Corn, Post-Emerge Corn Herbicides, Early Season Insects | Ag PhD
Episode 1309
Why don't people eat the corn produced by most farmers, what are the best products for weed control in growing corn, and what are the bugs you should be scouting for right now? Brian and Darren answer these questions and discuss cursed crowfoot and planter technology.
Increasing Stalk Size, Keeping Dicamba on Target, Soybean Post Residuals| Ag PhD
Episode 1308
In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how growers can reduce lodging in crops by increasing stalk size. They discuss how to reduce drift and volatility issues when applying dicamba, and what residual products you could spray post-emerge in soybeans.
Herbicide Vapor Pressure, Managing Lentils, Palisade Performance | Ag PhD
Episode 1307
The Hefty brothers discuss vaporization/volatility, everything lentils, and raising a small crop on purpose. The Weed of the Week is whorled milkweed and there's an Iron Talk on sprayers.
Fungicides and Plant Health, Our Corn Program, Maximize Your Spring Burndown
Episode 1306
In this episode, the Hefty brothers explain some side benefits of fungicides, their program for raising corn, and how to get great weed control with a spring burndown.
Weed Control in Lawns, Bacterial Diseases, Spraying End Rows Earlier | Ag PhD
Episode 1305
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about Goss's wilt, putting a priority in field border control, and their grass tips for your yard. The weed is the tricky Yellow Nutsedge. Plus Darren examines strip till planting.
Weed Control in Ditches, Early Season Wheat Fungicides, Soybean Seed Treatment
Episode 1304
Learn how farmers and landowners keep weeds out of ditches, what fungicides you could use early in your wheat crop, and what products you should apply to your soybean seed.
Planting Into Residue, 'Drought-Proof' Your Crop, Comparing Corn Pre's | Ag PhD
Episode 1303
Brian and Darren Hefty are getting us ready for spring with a show about difficult planting, preparing now for dry weather, and finding the best pre-emerge products. The Weed of the Week is stink grass. Plus DIY inoculants.
Nurse Crops, Broadleaf Weed Control in Wheat, Planting Into Cold Soils | Ag PhD
Episode 1302
The Hefty brothers discuss what a nurse crop is, what post-emerge products you should use to control broadleaf weeds in wheat, and how to successfully plant into cold soils.
Row Spacings, Fungicides at Planting in Corn & Jump Start Your Pasture | Ag PhD
Episode 1301
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss setting wide or narrow row crops, how putting a fungicide in-furrow can improve yield, and the best way to get your pasture thick and lush. Plus they give advice on spotted spurge weeds and planter opening discs.
Fences, Seeding Depth & Three Pre Program in Soybeans | Ag PhD
Episode 1300
Brian and Darren discuss fences around fields, what depth to plant your corn, soybeans and wheat, and what products to apply pre-emerge in soybeans.
Early Pre-Emerge Spraying, Nutrient Stratification & Tillering in Crops | Ag PhD
Episode 1299
In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about suckers in wheat and corn, the earliest you can spray before you plant, and where the fertility should be in the different layers of soil. Volunteer corn is the Weed of the Week. And Darren discusses field cultivators in the Iron Talk segment.
Nutrient Movement in Soil, Plant Growth Hormones, Mulder's Chart | Ag PhD
Episode 1298
The Hefty brothers discuss how various nutrients move or stay put in the soil profile, what plant growth hormones you could use, and how to use Mulder's Chart to help balance your soil's fertility.
Frost Heaves in the Road, Molybdenum Matters, Planting Population | Ag PhD
Episode 1297
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to stop winter damage on your roads, how much molybdenum your crops need, and exactly how thick or thin you should plant your corn and soybeans. Tough puncturevine is the Weed of the Week and the Germinator Closing Wheel is discussed in this week's Iron Talk.
Soil Temperature Variation, Elemental Sulfur & Soil pH, Herbicide Incorporation
Episode 1296
In this Ag PhD episode, the Hefty brothers discuss how much a soil temp can vary during the day, what to consider when applying elemental sulfur, and when you should incorporate your soil-applied herbicide.