Ag PhD Weed of the Week
6 Seasons
In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.
01:42Episode 1238
Buffalo Bur | Ag PhD
Episode 1238
Brian and Darren discuss control of the thorny buffalo bur.
02:05Episode 1237
Hemp Sesbania | Ag PhD
Episode 1237
The Hefty brothers discuss control options for hemp sesbania in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
04:25Episode 1236
Common Mullein | Ag PhD
Episode 1236
Common mullein is an easy to identify tall biennial weed that can produce 100,000 seeds per plant.
03:27Episode 1235
Shattercane | Ag PhD
Episode 1235
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss identifying and controlling shattercane in corn and other crops.
01:42Episode 1234
Jimson Weed | Ag PhD
Episode 1234
Jimson weed is a very stinky and highly poisonous weed found in some fields. The Heftys talk about the best products to eliminate jimson weed in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
03:40Episode 1233
Western Salsify | Ag PhD
Episode 1233
The Hefty brothers discuss identifying and controlling western salsify.
02:03Episode 1232
Wild Sunflowers | Ag PhD
Episode 1232
This weed is a large seeded broadleaf that sometimes is a crop. Brian and Darren tell you how to stop sunflowers if you find them growing where you didn't plant them.
03:19Episode 1231
Yellow Nutsedge | Ag PhD
Episode 1231
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the best options to control yellow nutsedge on the farm.
02:26Episode 1230
Canada Thistle | Ag PhD
Episode 1230
Brian & Darren give their input in how to eradicate Canada Thistle in pastures and crops. This perennial with rhizomes can be challenge; the Hefty brothers help.
03:30Episode 1229
Giant Foxtail | Ag PhD
Episode 1229
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss identification of and herbicide control options for giant foxtail.
03:54Episode 1228
Waterhemp Weed Control | Ag PhD
Episode 1228
This quickly growing weed is resistant to a lot of herbicides, there are still control options you can use.
05:14Episode 1277
Lambsquarters | Ag PhD
Episode 1277
Darren and Brian discuss identification and control of lambsquarters in soybeans and other crops.
02:31Episode 1226
Woolly Cupgrass | Ag PhD
Episode 1226
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about controlling woolly cupgrass in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
02:54Episode 1225
Pennsylvania Smartweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1225
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the challenge of controlling Pennsylvania smartweed on the farm.
01:45Episode 1224
Narrowleaf Hawksbeard | Ag PhD
Episode 1224
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how to prevent and eradicate narrowleaf hawksbeard, an annual "dandelion-type" weed that is becoming more prevalent across the United States.
04:02Episode 1223
Wild Proso Millet | Ag PhD
Episode 1223
Brian and Darren discuss the challenge of controlling wild proso millet in crops.
02:28Episode 1222
Field Bindweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1222
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss control options for field bindweed on the farm.
01:53Episode 1221
Amazon Sprangletop | Ag PhD
Episode 1221
Darren and Brian Hefty talk about identifying and controlling Amazon sprangletop in rice and other crops.
01:51Episode 1220
Russian Olive | Ag PhD
Episode 1220
Brian and Darren discuss control options for Russian olive in pastures and other areas.
04:01Episode 1219
Lady's Thumb Smartweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1219
Brian and Darren discuss how to identify and control lady's thumb smartweed.
02:42Episode 1218
Carpetweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1218
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about dealing with carpetweed around the house as well as on the farm.
01:21Episode 1217
Prickly Sida | Ag PhD
Episode 1217
Learn which products you could use to control prickly sida on your farm.
02:25Episode 1216
Meadow Anemone | Ag PhD
Episode 1216
Brian and Darren discuss herbicide options you could use to control meadow anemone.
02:31Episode 1215
Bristly Foxtail | Ag PhD
Episode 1215
Learn how to identify and control bristly foxtail on the farm.