Ag PhD Weed of the Week
6 Seasons
In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.
02:09Episode 1290
Wild Mustard | Ag PhD
Episode 1290
Find out which products work to control wild mustard in crop fields.
04:16Episode 1289
Swamp Smartweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1289
Brian & Darren Hefty help you spot this often misidentified weed. This perennial has rhizomes and does well in wet soils, but there is a clear control method.
02:18Episode 1288
Cocklebur | Ag PhD
Episode 1288
Learn how to identify and control cocklebur, a challenging large-seeded broadleaf weed.
02:03Episode 1287
Common Mallow | Ag PhD
Episode 1287
It's easy to take out, but how do you do it? Brian & Darren talk common mallow control for corn, soybeans, wheat, and yards.
03:10Episode 1286
Sicklepod | Ag PhD
Episode 1286
Darren and Brian discuss identifying and controlling sicklepod.
02:15Episode 1285
Hemp Dogbane | Ag PhD
Episode 1285
This waxy-leaf perennial is often misidentified for milkweed. Brian and Darren offer their favorite herbicide for hemp dogbane.
01:56Episode 1284
Purple Loosestrife | Ag PhD
Episode 1284
The Hefty brothers discuss control options you could use on purple loosestrife, an invasive weed.
02:07Episode 1283
Henbit | Ag PhD
Episode 1283
Brian and Darren offer their solutions for stopping this winter annual in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
01:27Episode 1282
Wild Cucumber | Ag PhD
Episode 1282
The Hefty brothers talk about the harm that wild cucumber can cause in shelterbelts, and how to get rid of it.
01:46Episode 1281
Marestail | Ag PhD
Episode 1281
Marestail is a roundup-resistant winter annual that can be tricky to stop in fields. Brian and Darren offer solutions in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
02:31Episode 1280
Venice Mallow | Ag PhD
Episode 1280
Learn how to identify and control Venice mallow in your crop fields.
02:18Episode 1279
Field Pennycress | Ag PhD
Episode 1279
This big winter annual should be addressed in the fall. Brian and Darren give their best control options for field pennycress in alfalfa, corn, soybeans, and wheat.
03:04Episode 1278
Quackgrass | Ag PhD
Episode 1278
Darren and Brian discuss identifying and controlling quackgrass in your lawn and on the farm.
02:18Episode 1277
Black Nightshade | Ag PhD
Episode 1277
This weed used to be the #1 nemesis on the Hefty farm! Brian and Darren tell us how they stopped Eastern black nightshade in their soybeans, as well as wheat and corn.
02:58Episode 1276
Field Sandbur | Ag PhD
Episode 1276
Darren and Brian talk about identification of and control options for field sandbur.
02:24Episode 1275
Dandelion | Ag PhD
Episode 1275
This weed is a lot easier than most to identify, yet it can be harder to control. Brian & Darren talk fall dandelion management in your field and in your yard.
02:21Episode 1274
Dame's Rocket | Ag PhD
Episode 1274
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how to control dame's rocket in grassy areas and pastures.
03:09Episode 1273
Common Ragweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1273
This annual is nothing to sneeze at in your soybeans. Ragweed is becoming resistant to many products, Brian & Darren Hefty tell you exactly how to kill it in today's Weed of the Week.
02:25Episode 1272
Green Foxtail | Ag PhD
Episode 1272
Learn how to identify and control green foxtail on the farm.
02:12Episode 1271
Common Milkweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1271
It's a big perennial with waxy leaves & long roots that the pre-emerge herbicides don't control. Brian & Darren give the solution to milkweed mitigation in this week's Weed of the Week.
03:55Episode 1270
Kochia | Ag PhD
Episode 1270
Brian and Darren discuss the challenge of controlling Kochia, especially in soybeans.
02:35Episode 1269
Volunteer Wheat | Ag PhD
Episode 1269
Volunteer wheat is trouble anywhere, but your wheat field! Brian and Darren talk control in corn and soybeans.
02:11Episode 1268
Russian Thistle | Ag PhD
Episode 1268
Brian and Darren discuss herbicide options to get Russian thistle under control on the farm.
01:54Episode 1267
Prickly Lettuce | Ag PhD
Episode 1267
This winter annual doesn't belong in a salad nor in your fields, Brian and Darren talk prickly lettuce control in corn, beans, and wheat.