Ag PhD Weed of the Week

Ag PhD Weed of the Week

5 Seasons

In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.

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Ag PhD Weed of the Week
  • Curlycup Gumweed | Ag PhD

    Episode 1242

    The Weed of the Week is curlycup gumweed. The Hefty brothers tell us how to control this pasture weed.

  • Volunteer Alfalfa | Ag PhD

    Episode 1241

    Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the challenge of getting volunteer alfalfa under control on the farm.

  • Downy Brome | Ag PhD

    Episode 1240

    Sometimes called cheatgrass, Brian and Darren Hefty tell you how to control this winter annual that is troublesome, especially in wheat.

  • White Heath Aster | Ag PhD

    Episode 1239

    Brian and Darren Hefty discuss control options for white heath aster, a tough perennial weed.