Ag PhD Weed of the Week
6 Seasons
In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.
01:34Episode 1343
Jerusalem Artichoke | Ag PhD
Episode 1343
A weed is a plant growing where you don't want it. This weed is a perennial, with rhizomes and tubers - don't worry, the Hefty brothers have a good plan to control it.
02:27Episode 1342
Stinging Nettle | Ag PhD
Episode 1342
Find out why you shouldn't touch this weed and what products you can use to get rid of it.
02:05Episode 1341
Prostrate Vervain | Ag PhD
Episode 1341
It's low to the ground and scrappy, but you can still defeat it. The Heftys tell you how to knock out this tough competitor.
02:06Episode 1340
Dog Fennel | Ag PhD
Episode 1340
Find out how to get dog fennel under control in winter wheat and other crops.
02:19Episode 1339
Buckbrush | Ag PhD
Episode 1339
Buckbrush is a perennial forb that can prevent 80% of grass growth in pastures. The Heftys talk about the many new products that can help you eliminate this large weed.
01:10Episode 1338
Curly Dock | Ag PhD
Episode 1338
Find out how to get rid of this perennial noxious weed.
01:43Episode 1337
Perennial Sow Thistle | Ag PhD
Episode 1337
This tough weed may look like dandelion, but it's twice as hard to control. The Heftys tell us their favorite product that'll knock out this pasture invader.
01:46Episode 1336
Absinth Wormwood | Ag PhD
Episode 1336
Learn how to control absinth wormwood, which is a tough perennial weed.
01:54Episode 1335
Roughstalk Bluegrass | Ag PhD
Episode 1335
It can be difficult to keep grass weeds out of your wheat. The Heftys tell you exactly what to use to control this perennial with stolons out of your fields.
03:03Episode 1334
Marshelder | Ag PhD
Episode 1334
Learn how to identify marshelder and how to control it in corn, soybeans, and especially sunflowers.
01:57Episode 1333
Russian Knapweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1333
This is a tough and toxic creeping perennial with rhizomes, and it's one of the worst things to find in your pasture. Brian and Darren offer ideas on how to control it and prevent it from taking root in the first place.
03:29Episode 1332
Jointed Goatgrass | Ag PhD
Episode 1332
Jointed goatgrass can be a challenge to control in wheat and other crops. Find out how to get it under control in this Weed of the Week segment.
01:43Episode 1331
Broadleaf Signalgrass | Ag PhD
Episode 1331
This big grass is difficult to identify and kill. The Hefty brothers help you control it in your corn, wheat, and soybeans.
02:39Episode 1330
Cattails | Ag PhD
Episode 1330
Cattails can be a troublesome weed if it's out in your fields. Learn how to get it under control on your farm.
01:18Episode 1329
Prostrate Pigweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1329
If you've got this weed on your farm, the good news is that there are many ways to kill it. Brian and Darren talk prostrate pigweed control in in soybeans, corn, and wheat.
01:34Episode 1328
Hoary Vervain | Ag PhD
Episode 1328
The Hefty brothers talk about various products you could use to get rid of hoary vervain on the farm.
02:29Episode 1327
Creeping Charlie | Ag PhD
Episode 1327
Keep the creepers out! Brian and Darren discuss how to control this perennial ivy in your yard.
01:35Episode 1326
Sagebrush | Ag PhD
Episode 1326
The Hefty brothers discuss control options for sagebrush.
02:21Episode 1325
Fall Panicum | Ag PhD
Episode 1325
Despite the name, it's a summer annual grass that can quickly overtake an area in the heat of August. The Hefty brothers help you identify and control fall panicum in wheat, soybeans, and corn.
01:48Episode 1324
Honeyvine Milkweed | Ag PhD
Episode 1324
There aren't many options for controlling this challenging weed. Darren and Brian talk about ways to get rid of honeyvine milkweed.
01:46Episode 1323
Horsenettle | Ag PhD
Episode 1323
This primary noxious perennial weed is a tough customer. Brian and Darren Hefty talk horsenettle control in ditches and non-cropland.
02:20Episode 1322
Yellow Toadflax | Ag PhD
Episode 1322
Brian and Darren discuss the best ways to get yellow toadflax under control around the farm.
02:15Episode 1321
Buffalobur | Ag PhD
Episode 1321
It's better to stop this thorny annual early instead of dealing with its long sharp spikes. Brian and Darren discuss buffalobur control in corn, wheat, soybeans, and yards.
02:49Episode 1320
Biennial Wormwood Sage | Ag PhD
Episode 1320
Brian and Darren discuss the best control options if you have biennial wormwood sage on your farm.