Ag PhD Weed of the Week

Ag PhD Weed of the Week

5 Seasons

In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.

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Ag PhD Weed of the Week
  • Crabgrass | Ag PhD

    Episode 1295

    Brian and Darren are no fan of crabgrass in their lawns, corn, soybeans, and wheat. They talk about how you can eliminate this always growing weed problem.

  • Catchweed Bedstraw | Ag PhD

    Episode 1294

    Brian and Darren discuss identifying catchweed bedstraw and what products will control it in corn, soybeans, wheat, and lawns.

  • Musk Thistle | Ag PhD

    Episode 1293

    This biennial can tower over your fields if you don't get a high-dose to it early. Brian and Darren talk the specifics of musk thistle control for pastures.

  • Redroot Pigweed | Ag PhD

    Episode 1292

    The Hefty brothers discuss how to identify and control redroot pigweed.

  • Johnsongrass | Ag PhD

    Episode 1291

    This is quite a difficult perennial to stop on your farm. Brian & Darren talk johnsongrass control in soybeans, corn, wheat, and alfalfa.