Ag PhD Weed of the Week

Ag PhD Weed of the Week

5 Seasons

In these Weed of the Week segments taken from Ag PhD, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hundreds of yield-robbing weeds and how to kill them out in your fields.

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Ag PhD Weed of the Week
  • Windgrass | Ag PhD

    Episode 1355

    Brian and Darren outline how to identify and control this large winter annual in wheat, as well as corn and soybeans.

  • Prickly Sida | Ag PhD

    Episode 1354

    Learn about products you could use to control prickly sida in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Meadow Anemone | Ag PhD

    Episode 1353

    This perennial can take over pastures and shelterbelts. Brian and Darren have the solution to meadow anemone in today's Weed of the Week.

  • Bristly Foxtail | Ag PhD

    Episode 1352

    Learn how to control bristly foxtail with pre-emerge and post-emerge herbicides in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Purslane | Ag PhD

    Episode 1351

    Purslane is a common weed that spreads easily in fields and gardens. The Hefty brothers break down all the ways to kill this annoying annual.

  • Devil's Beggartick | Ag PhD

    Episode 1350

    Devil's beggartick can be a tough weed to control in crop fields. The Hefty brothers discuss some herbicide options you could use in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Buckthorn | Ag PhD

    Episode 1349

    This invasive volunteer tree has poisonous berries and hosts soybean aphids. The Heftys tell us how to save our shelterbelts from one of the toughest weeds out there.

  • Rough Fleabane | Ag PhD

    Episode 1348

    Learn how to control rough fleabane in pre-emerge, burndown, and in-crop applications.

  • Annual Bluegrass | Ag PhD

    Episode 1347

    Bluegrass is great on your radio, but not in your wheat! The brothers Hefty give you the right instrument to stop annual bluegrass in your corn, soybeans, and small grains.

  • Common Speedwell | Ag PhD

    Episode 1346

    Find out how to control common speedwell with burndown, pre-emerge, and in-crop applications.

  • Waterpod | Ag PhD

    Episode 1345

    It's a small annual weed that thrives in wet conditions. The Heftys offer a non-chemical approach and a more traditional way to stop waterpod in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Black Medic | Ag PhD

    Episode 1344

    Learn how to control black medic in lawns as well as crop fields.