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Warm vs Cold Germination Tests | Ag PhD
3m 46s
How well will your seeds sprout in cold soils next spring? Brian & Darren explain the variety of germination trials performed by seed companies to help you select the best for your part of the world.
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Incorporating Soybean Herbicides | Ag...
Do you need to till in your pre-emerge soybean herbicides? The answer depends on your product. Some must be instantly incorporated, Darren breaks it down in today's Iron Talk.
Swamp Smartweed | Ag PhD
Brian & Darren Hefty help you spot this often misidentified weed. This perennial has rhizomes and does well in wet soils, but there is a clear control method.
Plant Tissue Testing | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty explains why farmers cut leaves off plants and send them in for analysis.