Burn, Sericea, Burn! | Buzzard's Beat
Weed control is a constant battle so this year, we've employed a new method to fight back against sericea lespedeza - burning in the fall! Watch us experiment with lighting green grass and noxious sericea ablaze! Also, my 5'4" frame climbs back onto a soapbox to address divisiveness in food marketing from.... producers?! Tune in to hear all about it!
Up Next in Agronomy
A New Fertility Management Platform |...
VRAFY is what the Hefty brothers now use to manage fertility and so much more. VRAFY automatically generates prescriptions for your soil, and finds your yield-limiting nutrients.
Corn Residue | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty talks about the value of corn residue, and why it's important to next year's crop.
Cation Exchange Capacity | Ag PhD
How heavy is your soil? Brian and Darren Hefty explain the science of soil and why CEC affects almost everything on your farm.