Why Cover Crop??? A Look At Our Soil Improvement.| Griggs Farms
When spraying some burn down strips, Matt takes a few minutes to show the drastic improvements he's seen in his soils from the use of cover crops. He also explains why using cover crops is superior to just strictly no till.
Up Next in Agronomy
Halfway Done! Nebraska Farmer's 2023...
Join the Rural Radio Network for this progress update on the 2023 planting season!
In this segment, a farmer from southeast Nebraska shares that he is halfway done with planting his corn and soybean crops.
Darren Meinke, a farmer east of Crete, Nebraska, talks about his progress and the challe...
Cows Go to Grass + Is "Grow Your Own"...
Taking cows to summer grass makes a long, dreary winter worthwhile. Follow along as we take the core herd to summer pasture and as we find and doctor a few stockers, which is always entertaining! Plus, I ask a question of agriculturalists whose response to consumer inquiries is "grow your own."
Cursed Crowfoot | Ag PhD
This buttercup is not only a yield robber, but a livestock killer. Brian and Darren talk cursed crowfoot control in pastures, wheat, soybeans, and corn.