Types of Root Systems, Spray Water Quality, Early Planting Conditions | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren untangle the types of roots competing with crops. They explain why the quality of the water in your spray tank matters, and how to know the right time to plant. Windgrass is this week's weed, and Iron Talk introduces a new planter innovation.
Up Next in Biologicals
How to Permanently Repair Fragipan So...
Matt has Dr. Lloyd Murdock, a renowned soil scientist, out on his farm to look at the progress he's made using cover crops to repair his soils after decades of monocropping and plowing. More specifically, he's looking to see what 9 years of including annual ryegrass in the cover crop mix has don...
How to Utilize Chicken Litter in Row ...
Matt travels to Jonesboro, AR to give a presentation with Dr. Tyson Raper of UT Extension on his experience utilizing chicken litter in his row crop system over the last several years. Matt will answer the questions, what to expect out of chicken litter and what are the best management practices...
Do Biological Products Work in Row Cr...
Matt travels to Jonesboro, AR to give a presentation with Dr. Tyson Raper of UT Extension on his experience testing various popular biological products in his row crop system over the last several year. Matt will answer the question, do current biological products make farmers a profit or help w...