Water Table, Chemical Component Chart, Tips for Early Planted Soybeans | Ag PhD
Class is in session, as the Heftys give lessons on the water beneath your feet, the chemistry in your sprayer, and the best way to get a head start on your beans. Plus wheat is a weed this week, and Darren shows us around the Hefty Morton farm shop.
Up Next in Biologicals
Tips for Early Planted Soybeans | Ag PhD
Itchin' to get those beans in the field? The Heftys share what you need to know to get sowing sooner.
Will BioNutrients & Biologicals End S...
The Agriculture industry has long relied on synthetic fertilizers, chemical inputs, and over-applied fertility—not by choice, but by necessity. Now, with biologicals, bio-nutrients, and precision application technology, farmers have better alternatives. Colton Moon, president of Redox BioNutrient...
Does A Pretty Crop Mean a Profitable ...
In this episode of The Granary, the conversation at the table gets real about one of the biggest dilemmas in farming—should your fields be pretty or profitable?
Damian Mason is joined by XtremeAg’s Matt Miles, Temple Rhodes, and Chad Henderson, and Tommy Roach from Nachurs to break down why the...