Buzzard’s Beat by Brandi Buzzard
Buzzard's Beat is a commentary on trending issues and topics affecting agriculture, food and farms. Hosted by Brandi Buzzard, these issues are bookended by a variety of passenger seat experiences ranging from ranch life to the rodeo trail as viewers get a glimpse of life on a Kansas cattle ranch. A rancher and cowgirl with a penchant for speaking up for farming and ranching through storytelling, authenticity and wit, Buzzard will leave viewers entertained and enthusiastic about agriculture issues.
Look, Ma! I'm Spraying (and the COWS Act)! | Buzzard's Beat
Join me in the tractor as I navigate spraying pasture solo and we discuss a new proposed legislation to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the next Farm Bill.
Fly Tagging and Food Waste | Buzzard's Beat
Summertime is prime time for flies so we are fly tagging our yearlings and talking about the shameful problem of food waste in the United States.
There's No Fear in Forage Sorghum, But There is in Marketing | Buzzard's Beat
An inquiry into the way food is labeled is underway at USDA/FSIS - let's talk about labeling! Also, we get our new herbicide-resistant and drought tolerant forage sorghum in the ground. Will it rain in a timely fashion for crop?
Prop12 Affects All of Agriculture & We Break in a New Sprayer! | Buzzard's Beat
The Supreme Court recently upheld Prop12 in California which has significant implications for pork, poultry and veal farmers nationwide and, potentially, farmers of other food crops in the future. We got a new sprayer and annihilate some weeds as Brandi geeks out about farming practices.
Moo-phy's Law and mRNA Vaccines | Buzzard's Beat
Gathering cattle is supposed to be a peaceful occurrence but when "Moo-phy's Law" takes over, watch out! An unexpected run-in with some trees, leads to an unexpected appointment at the doctor and that calls for a timely discussion about mRNA vaccines in livestock.
Cows Go to Grass + Is "Grow Your Own" Actually Helpful? | Buzzard's Beat
Taking cows to summer grass makes a long, dreary winter worthwhile. Follow along as we take the core herd to summer pasture and as we find and doctor a few stockers, which is always entertaining! Plus, I ask a question of agriculturalists whose response to consumer inquiries is "grow your own."
Stocking Our Pastures with Grass Cattle | Buzzard's Beat
The past few years we have started running a few loads of grass cattle in the summer. In this episode, on a very windy day, Hyatt, Brandi and Corey, our herdsman, gather and process the stockers. Hyatt explains the why and how behind our strategy of diversifying High Bar Cattle Company with grass...
Slinging Silage and Discussing Factory Farms | Buzzard's Beat
We're still waiting on grass here in southeast Kansas, which means we're still slinging silage. In between loads, I discuss my thoughts on consumer perspectives around factory farming and how I'm addressing those perceptions in 2023.
Intro and Bringing Home the Cows | Buzzard's Beat
Hello and welcome to the Buzzard's Beat channel! I'm excited for you to see what life is like here in our little corner of heaven as we raise cattle and little cowgirls. Peppered in each episode is a brief commentary on current agriculture and cattle industry issues, observations from my travels ...