Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
February 22, 2025 | Market Journal
When it comes to On-Farm conservation efforts Nebraska Extension's On-Farm Research Network can be a big springboard for producers who are seeking to lower their input costs and improve their total yields. If you are interested in learning more about the On-Farm Research Network and the studies t...
Do You Have an Extreme Farming Personality? | The Granary
In this episode of The Granary, XtremeAg’s Matt Miles, Chad Henderson, and Temple Rhodes ask the big question—are they extreme, or just your average (high-octane, risk-loving, sleep-deprived) farmers? They dive into what it takes to thrive in agriculture, from making bold decisions to managing st...
Russian Thistle | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss the challenge of controlling Russian thistle on the farm.
Spray Water Quality | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss the importance of knowing the pH and hardness of the water you use for spray applications.
Crop Rotation, Spray Water Quality, Corn Planting Population | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren explain why farmers alternate which crops they plant, why the quality of the water you use for spraying is important, and things to consider when increasing or decreasing your corn planting population.
Prickly Lettuce | Ag PhD
If you've got this prickly problem on your farm, the Heftys can help you find the right recipe to dress it down.
XtendFlex Without Dicamba | Ag PhD
Waging a weed war without dicamba? Brian and Darren have you covered with their extensive guide to soybean strategies.
Kinsey Soil Seminar 2025, Insecticide Modes of Action, XtendFlex Without Dicamba
Ready for some new ideas? The Hefty brothers invite you to learn soils from a world expert, teach you about insecticide chemistry, and alternatives in soybean weed management. Plus, the Weed of the Week is prickly lettuce, with an Iron Talk on using your computer.
Insecticides Modes of Action | Ag PhD
Ready to move past Pyrethroids for pest control? Catch the latest buzz from the Hefty brothers, as they break down the chemistry of insecticides.
The Evolution of Oil Adjuvants | Precision Laboratories
APE/NPE-FREE ADJUVANTS Preventing Arrested Ear Syndrome | Precision Laboratories
Giant Ragweed | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss some herbicides you could use to get rid of giant ragweed in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Combination Corn Pre Herbicides | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers clear up some confusion and offer tips on applying multiple-mode-of-action pre-emerge corn herbicides.
Insect Life Cycles | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss how farmers need to understand insect life cycles in order to protect their crops.
Insect Life Cycles, Drought-Proof Your Crop, Combination Corn Pre Herbicides
Brian and Darren discuss how farmers deal with insects differently, depending on their life cycles. They also offer tips on how to help your crop handle dry conditions, and talk about what to consider when choosing a multiple-mode-of-action pre-emerge corn herbicide.
Drought-Proof Your Crop | Ag PhD
02/02/25 from Episode #1400
Is it Nature or is It Nurture? | The Granary
Is farming a game of luck or skill? In this lively roundtable, Damian Mason, Matt Miles, Tommy Roach, and Temple Rhodes dive into the ultimate farming showdown: Nature versus Nurture. From unpredictable weather tantrums to the art of coaxing a crop back from the brink of disaster, these seasoned ...
White Clover | Ag PhD
You might not feel so lucky if you find this stubborn weed. Brian and Darren tell you how to tackle the problematic perennial in lawns and fields.
2x2 Placement of Fertilizer | Ag PhD
Don't overflow your furrow. Darren explains how the Heftys keep the fert off the seed.
Ag PhD Soybean Workshop, Comparing the Top Corn Traits, Burning Residue | Ag PhD
The Heftys help you choose the right corn traits, and the best way to manage residue. Everyone's invited to the free Soybean Workshop. Plus getting one over on clover, and a fert placement two-step that'll save you money.
Comparing the Top Corn Traits | Ag PhD
Which seed will you choose in 2025? Brian and Darren Hefty describe in detail the pros and cons of all the best new corn traits.
Burning Residue | Ag PhD
Burn it, or turn it? The Hefty brothers explore the science behind residue management.
Ag PhD Soybean Workshop | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers invite you to their free Soybean Workshop near Baltic, SD Wednesday February 5th, 2025.
What Is One Thing You Would Change On Your Farm? | The Granary
If a genie granted you a magic wand, what would you change about your farm? From better soil and cooler nights to being fully irrigated, Damian Mason asks Temple Rhodes, Chad Henderson and Matt Miles from XtremeAg about the tweaks they would make to revolutionize their operations—if only it were ...