Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Fall Pasture Spraying | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk about the products they use on the Hefty farm and how the cooler weather can effect your weed control.
Automatic Bin Fan Controls, Fall Pasture Spraying, Grids vs Zones | Ag PhD
The coming of fall means keeping your grain at the right moisture now through technology, weeding your livestock grass for a spring grazing, and soil sampling in a clear and organized fashion. Plus the Hefty brothers discuss creeping charlie and deep fertilizer placement.
Creeping Charlie | Ag PhD
Keep the creepers out! Brian and Darren discuss how to control this perennial ivy in your yard.
Personal Protective Equipment | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss how to stay safe when applying pesticides.
Personal Protective Equipment, How To Soil Sample, Problem Weed Control Fields
Learn how to stay safe when applying pesticides, how to finally get rid of persistent weeds in your fields, and best practices for soil sampling.
Problem Weed Control Fields | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk about finally getting rid of those persistent weeds in your fields.
Sagebrush | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss control options for sagebrush.
Re-Entry Intervals, Herbicide Carryover, Pasture Fertility Programs | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk pesticide safety for humans, animals, and next year's crop. Soil sampling is the key to great pasture grasses. The Weed of the Week is fall panicum and Iron Talk covers cleaning up after a downed corn harvest.
Fall Panicum | Ag PhD
Despite the name, it's a summer annual grass that can quickly overtake an area in the heat of August. The Hefty brothers help you identify and control fall panicum in wheat, soybeans, and corn.
Late Summer Insects | Ag PhD
It's never too late for uninvited dinner guests to feast on your harvest. Darren Hefty reminds you stay vigilant for late-season pests.
Herbicide Carryover Considerations | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren list the products that they have seen the most carryover issues. Plus the weather, pH, fertility, and timing can all increase or lessen the problems with next year's crop.
Re-Entry Intervals | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren remind farmers and homeowners to abide by product labels when going back into a recently sprayed field or house.
Is Your Field Infected? | Damian Mason
My farmer friends at XtremeAg say, “The limiting yield factor isn’t the seed, it’s probably us.” Well, that’s not necessarily the case — another huge limiting yield factor is loss due to pathogens. With so many nasty diseases out there, our problem has often been misdiagnosis or a failure to trea...
Pre-Harvest Intervals, Fall Alfalfa Seeding, Winter Wheat Seed Treatments|Ag PhD
Brian and Darren explain what a pre-harvest interval is, why seeding alfalfa in the late summer or early fall is a good idea, and what to apply to your winter wheat seed to help your crop get off to a great start.
Winter Wheat Seed Treatments | Ag PhD
Find out what you should apply to your winter wheat seed this fall to get your crop off to a great start.
Pre-Harvest Intervals | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss why pesticides have limits on how close to harvest they can be sprayed.
Honeyvine Milkweed | Ag PhD
There aren't many options for controlling this challenging weed. Darren and Brian talk about ways to get rid of honeyvine milkweed.
Soybean Reproductive Stages, Wheat Herbicides, Cover Crop Conversation | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk flowers and pods in beans, what exactly to put down on wheat, and how two months of late oats save the soil. The Weed of the Week is horsenettle. And Iron Talk is buzzing with bees.
A Cover Crop Conversation | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers are planting oats but not hauling oats. Fall seeded non-cash crops are good for your soil in so many ways.
Horsenettle | Ag PhD
This primary noxious perennial weed is a tough customer. Brian and Darren Hefty talk horsenettle control in ditches and non-cropland.
Pre-Emerge Wheat Herbicides | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk about all the weed killers that can be used in front of spring and winter wheat.
Soybean Reproductive Stages | Ag PhD
R1 to R8. Brian and Darren discuss flowering through pod.
Lumivia CPL - Cereals and Pulse Crop Seed Treatment | Corteva
A short video on the benefits of Lumvia CPL from Corteva. Lumivia CPL has a unique mode of action that offers outstanding control of cutworms and systemic activity throughout the plant. It also offers activity on wireworms and grasshoppers.
Weeds On Field Borders | Ag PhD
Darren explains why farmers sometimes control weeds around their fields.