Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Yellow Toadflax | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss the best ways to get yellow toadflax under control around the farm.
Buffalobur | Ag PhD
It's better to stop this thorny annual early instead of dealing with its long sharp spikes. Brian and Darren discuss buffalobur control in corn, wheat, soybeans, and yards.
Tar Spot and Late-Season Diseases | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers say spray often and spray late when trying stop tar spot and other July-August corn diseases. Multiple modes of action is they key to a productive fungicide.
Hot Crops | Ag PhD
Plants like it hot. Darren Hefty explains how crops can thrive in extreme heat.
Warm vs. Cool-Season Grasses, Test Weight and Protein, Tar Spot Disease | Ag PhD
The Hefty Brothers discuss how the weather can effect your lawn, how to increase your yield and quality of your wheat, and how they control corn diseases on their farm. Plus they talk buffalobur and windrowers.
Removing Crop Residue, Post-Harvest Burndown, Late-Season Soybean Fungicides
Learn why some farmers remove wheat straw or other residue after harvest, what products to use for a post-harvest burndown this summer, and why you shouldn't stop your soybean fungicide program too early this season.
Post-Harvest Burndown | Ag PhD
Learn what products you can use to keep your fields weed-free after wheat harvest.
Late-Season Soybean Fungicides | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss why you may not want to stop your soybean fungicide program too early this season.
Biennial Wormwood Sage | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss the best control options if you have biennial wormwood sage on your farm.
2023 Drought Tips | Ag PhD
It's another dry year. Brian and Darren Hefty discuss hybrids, planting, fertility, and more to help your crop survive the heat.
Starting Shelterbelts, 2023 Drought Tips, Spider Mite Management | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk about nutrients for trees, how to prepare for lack of rain, and why the mites do well in the drought. The Weed of the Week is common knotweed and Iron Talk is about slowing down your sprayer.
Common Knotweed | Ag PhD
It's an annual more likely found in in your yard than in your field. Brian and Darren list the products needed to stop common knotweed wherever you find it growing.
Starting Shelterbelts | Ag PhD
Trees provide protection from the weather and a lifetime of beauty. The Hefty brothers give you a checklist to creating a healthy hedgerow on your farm.
Spider Mite Management | Ag PhD
The Hefty Brothers say this could be a bad year for spider mites. Find out what they do to prevent and eliminate these tiny pests.
Ag PhD Field Day 2023, Late-Season Weeds In Corn, Late-Season Soybean Diseases
Brian and Darren invite you to the 2023 Ag PhD Field Day. Then they discuss whether or not you should control large weeds in your corn around brown silk stage, and how to prevent various late-season diseases in soybeans.
Late-Season Soybean Diseases | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian talk about several late-season soybean diseases and steps you can take to reduce disease pressure.
Late-Season Weeds In Corn | Ag PhD
Having huge weeds in your corn field late in the season can be frustrating. Find out if you should bother controlling them or not.
Kudzu | Ag PhD
Kudzu is a tough perennial vine. The Hefty brothers share some tips on getting it under control.
Corn Rootworm | Ag PhD
This is the most damaging bug to corn and he's hard to discover until it's too late. Darren Hefty explains how the science of Bt's help stop rootworms.
All About Barns, Alfalfa Summer Treatments, Late Season Insects | Ag PhD
Alfalfa Summer Treatments | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers have dedicated a lot of their farm to alfalfa. Find out what they do for insects, disease, weeds, fertility, and naturals between cuttings.
Late Season Insects | Ag PhD
Grasshoppers, corn leaf & soybean aphids, spider mites, and gall midge can be found in your fields each summer. The Heftys talk about scouting, spraying, and economic thresholds for controlling those bugs late.
Purple Deadnettle | Ag PhD
This winter annual is in the mint family and has four-sided stems. Brian and Darren talk about controlling this henbit-type weed in lawns, no-till, and strip-till.
Grass Waterways, Aerial Application, Foliar Feeding | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk about the purpose of grass waterways, what you should consider when calling your aerial applicator, and things to know about foliar feeding during the season.