Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Cleaning Out Poly Spray Tanks | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty explains how to get all the residue out of your poly spray tank so you don't damage your next crop.
Aerial Application | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss things to consider before you call your aerial applicator this season.
Common Reed Grass | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss how to control common reed grass if it has made it into your crop fields.
Beneficial Bugs | Ag PhD
Not all insects are bad. Darren talks about the good ones in today's Ag Minute.
Tar Spot is Coming | Ag PhD
A devastating new corn disease is spreading across the northern United States. There's still a lot you can do to help prevent your corn being decimated by tar spot.
Smallflower Buttercup | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty tell you what stops this tough perennial in your corn, beans, wheat, pasture, and turf.
Soybean Flowering, Satellite Imagery, Tar Spot is Coming | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about why June 21st is significant in soybeans, plus a great new way to study your fields, and what is being done to stop the latest corn disease headed your way. The Weed of the Week is smallflower buttercup. And state of the art farm shops are shown.
Plant Growth Hormones, Dicamba • Enlist • Liberty • Roundup, White Mold | Ag PhD
This week, Brian and Darren discuss the use of plant growth hormones on the farm, how to get the most out of your dicamba, Enlist, Liberty, or Roundup application in soybeans, and how to minimize white mold pressure in soybeans.
Arkansas Wild Rose | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss herbicide options to control Arkansas wild rose.
Dicamba, Enlist, Liberty, and Roundup | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren go over various considerations when spraying your soybeans this season.
White Mold | Ag PhD
Find out what you can spray in your soybean fields to minimize white mold pressure.
Spray Boom Cleanout | Ag PhD
Darren talks about two products from Pentair that can help you keep the ends of your spray boom clean and to avoid crop injury.
Ag PhD Field Day, Herbicide Carryover, Later-Season Wheat Treatments
Brian and Darren Hefty explain all the great things in Field Day, how to avoid hurting future crops with previous year's sprays, and what your wheat wants at both flag leaf and heading stages. The Weed of the Week is yellow foxtail and the Iron Talk is about air inversions.
Yellow Foxtail | Ag PhD
If your grass weed has hairy ligules - you've got yellow foxtail. Brian and Darren Hefty help you identify and control it in corn, wheat, and soybeans.
Herbicide Carryover | Ag PhD
If your emergence doesn't look quite right it could be last year's weed control products lingering on this year's crops. Brian and Darren help you identify and avoid future issues with herbicide carryover.
Later-Season Wheat Treatments | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about spraying wheat at both flag leaf and heading. Fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides, and biologicals can all go into the tank to give your wheat a late boost.
Spraying and Air Inversions | Ag PhD
Air inversions are a common weather phenomenon that prevents the normal upwards movement of gasses, which as Darren explains, that's a dangerous time to spray your crops. Learn how you can see, hear, and smell air inversions.
Corn Maturity Selection, Plant Tissue Analysis, Iron Deficiency Chlorosis|Ag PhD
Learn how farmers decide what maturity of corn to plant, how to improve your fertility program by doing plant tissue analysis, and how to fix iron deficiency chlorosis in soybeans.
Bull Thistle | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss controlling bull thistle in crop ground and non-crop ground.
Ag PhD Scouting and Scholarships, Humic and Fulvic Acid, Sidedressing Nutrients
In this episode the Hefty brothers talk about helping those new to farming, biologicals that you may not have heard of yet, and applying N, S, and B after your crop has come up. The Weed of the Week is compass plant. Plus Darren talks about paying $640/hr to spray fields!
Spraying Your Own Crops | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty has an eye-opening look at how much it really costs to hire an applicator to spray your farm.
Sidedressing Nutrients | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren talk in depth about the best way to apply nitrogen, sulfur, and boron once your crop is up.
Compass Plant | Ag PhD
This perennial forb is not usually a terrible threat to your crop, but Brian and Darren can help you understand the best ways to handle compass plant.
How Much Seed Do Farmers Buy, Late-Planted Corn, Post-Emerge Soybean Herbicides
Learn how farmers decide how much seed to purchase when planting the farm, how to maximize yield when planting corn later in the season, and the best ways to control weeds post-emerge in soybeans.