Crop Protection

Crop Protection

Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.

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Crop Protection
  • Post-Emerge Soybean Herbicides | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss several products and seed traits you can utilize to keep weeds under control in your soybeans.

  • Volunteer Soybeans | Ag PhD

    Darren and Brian Hefty talk about the best ways to get rid of volunteer soybeans in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Cursed Crowfoot | Ag PhD

    This buttercup is not only a yield robber, but a livestock killer. Brian and Darren talk cursed crowfoot control in pastures, wheat, soybeans, and corn.

  • Sweet vs. Field Corn, Post-Emerge Corn Herbicides, Early Season Insects | Ag PhD

    Why don't people eat the corn produced by most farmers, what are the best products for weed control in growing corn, and what are the bugs you should be scouting for right now? Brian and Darren answer these questions and discuss cursed crowfoot and planter technology.

  • Early Season Insects | Ag PhD

    Soon after emergence you need to scout your fields for bugs. Brian and Darren talk in depth about alfalfa weevil larvae, cutworms, bean leaf beetles, and aphids in wheat.

  • Post-Emerge Corn Herbicides | Ag PhD

    There are not many choices for weed killers in corn fields, Brian and Darren give you the pros and cons of each of the options available to spray.

  • Increasing Stalk Size, Keeping Dicamba on Target, Soybean Post Residuals| Ag PhD

    In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how growers can reduce lodging in crops by increasing stalk size. They discuss how to reduce drift and volatility issues when applying dicamba, and what residual products you could spray post-emerge in soybeans.

  • Soybean Post Residuals | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers talk about some of the products you can use in soybeans post-emerge to get additional weed control through the season.

  • Keeping Dicamba On Target | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty talk about some things farmers can do to reduce drift and volatility when spraying dicamba.

  • Palmer Pigweed | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss the challenge of controlling Palmer pigweed (AKA Palmer amaranth) in soybeans and other crops.

  • Lawn Spray Timing | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty shares tips on when to spray your lawn to get weeds under control.

  • Palisade Performance | Ag PhD

    If you have shorter crops there will be less lodging. Brian & Darren talk about the plant growth regulator Palisade.

  • Herbicide Vapor Pressure, Managing Lentils, Palisade Performance | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss vaporization/volatility, everything lentils, and raising a small crop on purpose. The Weed of the Week is whorled milkweed and there's an Iron Talk on sprayers.

  • Herbicide Vapor Pressure | Ag PhD

    There are 5 inputs that can either vaporize or volatilize. Brian and Darren talk about what you need to do when applying these products pre or post emerge.

  • Western Whorled Milkweed | Ag PhD

    Whorled milkweed is a tough perennial with rhizomes that kills pasture animals. Get it under control with Brian and Darren's prescription for eliminating this dangerous weed.

  • Cold Soil Planting | Ag PhD

    After a long snowy winter and spring, planting can be a challenge. Darren Hefty gives three tips for planting into cold soils.

  • Managing Lentils | Ag PhD

    Raising lentils can be tricky. Brian and Darren Hefty share their tricks to controlling weeds, insects, and disease in lentils.

  • Xtreme Ag's Kelly Garrett Trials the Fendt Rogator 937H

    Xtreme Ag includes the Fendt Rogator 937H in an application trial on Kelly Garrett's Iowa farm. Learn more about the precision and versatility of the Rogator AirMax boom system and how it performs on Kelly's farm.

  • Fendt Rogator 937H Applicator Dry to Liquid System Instructions

    Follow step-by-step instructions from Fendt's product specialist on how to convert the Fendt Rogator 937H from a dry to liquid applicator. With combo capabilities, flexible clearance and a flotation chassis, the Fendt Rogator applicator provides year-round utilization, from dry to liuqid from pre...

  • April 14, 2023 | Market Journal

    Watch the latest episode of Market Journal!

    - Ag policy in the 108th Nebraska Legislature
    - Hog Markets | Lee Schulz
    - Weekly Weather Forecast | Bill Boyer
    - Annual Forages | Brad Schick
    - CropTalk | Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds

  • Fungicides and Plant Health, Our Corn Program, Maximize Your Spring Burndown

    In this episode, the Hefty brothers explain some side benefits of fungicides, their program for raising corn, and how to get great weed control with a spring burndown.

  • Kochia | Ag PhD

    Kochia can be a challenging weed for many farmers. Brian and Darren offer some advice and herbicide options for controlling this weed.

  • Maximize Your Spring Burndown | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren share some tips for a successful spring burndown program for your farm.

  • Fungicides and Plant Health | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss benefits other than disease control that fungicides can provide to plants.