Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Nutrient Movement in the Plant | Ag PhD
Many nutrients are mobile in the plant but some are not. You can see what plant food you are short on by looking at where the discolored leaves occur on your crop.
Continuous Corn Considerations | Ag PhD
Corn on corn has to be handled much differently than when rotating. You need to take a different approach to fertility, insect, disease and residue management.
Musk Thistle | Ag PhD
This biennial can tower over your fields if you don't get a high-dose to it early. Brian and Darren talk the specifics of musk thistle control for pastures.
Refuge Corn Hybrids | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty talks about why farmers almost always have different types of corn plants in one field.
Bt Corn, Soil Test Conversions & Alfalfa Production | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian explain what Bt corn is, how to do common fertility conversions when reading a soil test, and how to maximize tonnage and quality in your alfalfa crop.
Redroot Pigweed | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss how to identify and control redroot pigweed.
Alfalfa Production | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss ways to maximize your alfalfa tonnage.
Sunflower Weed Control | Ag PhD
If you don't want a weedy sunflower field there is one key thing you must do according to Brian & Darren. Plus they talk fertility, insects, and disease in sunflowers.
Autosteer and GPS, Sunflower Weed Control & Sulfur Needs in Crops | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the latest technology in the tractor cab, how to raise the best sunflower crop, and why sulfur is needed even more today than yesterday. Plus johnsongrass is the Weed of the Week, and Iron Talk is all about a new way to adjust your tires to the right rates for t...
Johnsongrass | Ag PhD
This is quite a difficult perennial to stop on your farm. Brian & Darren talk johnsongrass control in soybeans, corn, wheat, and alfalfa.
How Can We Use More Soybean Meal? Innovation Challenge | Damian Mason
In 2022 American farmers produced the fourth largest soybean crop on record at 117 million metric tons or roughly 4.4 billion bushels. The good news: Demand is matching global supply and prices are decent. The challenging news: Our demand for soybean oil is outpacing our demand for soybean meal. ...
Auto Shutoffs on Planters & Sprayers, Manganese, Herbicide Antagonism | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss avoiding overlap when planting and spraying, how to test for and apply manganese, and how to keep your broadleaf herbicide and grass herbicide from working against each other.
Herbicide Antagonism | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss potential problems when mixing broadleaf herbicides with grass herbicides.
Automatic Shutoffs on Planters and Sprayers | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty explain how farmers avoid overlap when applying herbicides or planting seed.
Wild Mustard | Ag PhD
Find out which products work to control wild mustard in crop fields.
Warm vs Cold Germination Tests, Checking Grain Bins, Copper Talk | Ag PhD
How do you know if: your seed will start right this spring, your stored grain will survive the winter, and your soil has enough copper in it? Brian and Darren Hefty answer these questions and talk swamp smartweed and soybean herbicide placement in this episode.
Incorporating Soybean Herbicides | Ag PhD
Do you need to till in your pre-emerge soybean herbicides? The answer depends on your product. Some must be instantly incorporated, Darren breaks it down in today's Iron Talk.
Swamp Smartweed | Ag PhD
Brian & Darren Hefty help you spot this often misidentified weed. This perennial has rhizomes and does well in wet soils, but there is a clear control method.
Copper Talk | Ag PhD
Copper is the disease nutrient and more. Brian & Darren tell you the Cu ppm you should have and a new ratio with phosphorus.
Winter Product Storage, Iron Management, Dicamba & 2,4-D Effectiveness | Ag PhD
Learn about the challenge of storing liquid products over the winter, how to manage iron levels, and how to get the most out of your dicamba and 2,4-D applications.
Dicamba and 2,4-D Effectiveness | Ag PhD
Find out how to get better weed control with dicamba and 2,4-D.
Cocklebur | Ag PhD
Learn how to identify and control cocklebur, a challenging large-seeded broadleaf weed.
3RIVE 3D System | Ag PhD
What if your insecticide could get 50% more surface area in the furrow? Foam may be the future of farming.
Root vs Shoot Inhibitors | Ag PhD
Know your herbicide - some kill the roots while some stop the above-ground parts of the plant. You need to understand what your products are targeting to get the best results.