Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Strip-Till Suggestions | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren have a lot of experience with strip-till, they share their do's and don'ts with this perfect blend of no-till and conventional tillage.
Field Pennycress | Ag PhD
This big winter annual should be addressed in the fall. Brian and Darren give their best control options for field pennycress in alfalfa, corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Raise Your Yields with Lime | Ag PhD
Applying a little calcium carbonate could be the difference in keeping a consistent high yield on your farm. Darren talks the importance of pH in today's Iron Talk.
Quackgrass | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian discuss identifying and controlling quackgrass in your lawn and on the farm.
Field Operations at Night, Fix High pH Soil, Late Season Weed-Escapes | Ag PhD
Yes you can drop your high soil pH, Brian and Darren Hefty have many solutions to help you achieve the ideal balance! Plus they talk night-farming, end of season weeds, drain tile maintenance, and black nightshade control.
Late Season Weed-Escapes | Ag PhD
If you saw a lot of weeds in this year's harvest, what can you do to make sure they are not back next fall?
Early Fall Freeze | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty talks about the possibilities of late-season frost.
Black Nightshade | Ag PhD
This weed used to be the #1 nemesis on the Hefty farm! Brian and Darren tell us how they stopped Eastern black nightshade in their soybeans, as well as wheat and corn.
Prevent Grain Spoilage in Storage, Manure Application, Raising Soil pH | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about keeping grain from spoiling in storage, how to best manage manure application, and how to test for and correct low soil pH.
Field Sandbur | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian talk about identification of and control options for field sandbur.
Switch Up Your Corn Rootworm Control with Beetle-Targeting Insecticide | FMC
Corn rootworms, or the “billion dollar bug,” can have a serious impact on growers’ bottom line. Join Senior Technical Service Manager Brent Neuberger as he discusses the importance of managing all stages of the pest’s life cycle, including adult beetles. He’ll discuss Steward® EC insecticide, an ...
Soybean Moisture, Grids vs. Zones, Baling Residue | Ag PhD
Brian & Darren Hefty discuss what is best to do with your corn residue, if it's better to harvest soybeans too wet or too dry, and if grids or zones are better for soil sampling maps. Plus there's cone bottom bins and dandelions in today's show.
Dandelion | Ag PhD
This weed is a lot easier than most to identify, yet it can be harder to control. Brian & Darren talk fall dandelion management in your field and in your yard.
Deer & Corn | Ag PhD
Farmers see a lot of deer because they love to eat their corn. Darren talks deer diets in today's Ag Minute.
Dame's Rocket | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how to control dame's rocket in grassy areas and pastures.
Add Flexibility to Your Burndown Program With FMC's Panoflex® Herbicide
In Indiana and across much of the Midwest, marestail and common lambsquarters are tough to control. A solid burndown program is an important step in starting clean and staying clean each season. In this Tech Talk, join FMC Technical Service Manager Nick Hustedde on-site at a no-till burndown stud...
Corn Silage, Off-Season Alfalfa, & Wheat Pre's | Ag PhD
This show features corn silage harvesting, "winterizing" alfalfa fields, & products to put in front of wheat. Plus, the Hefty brothers talk ragweed control and air reels for harvesting lodged soybeans.
Common Ragweed | Ag PhD
This annual is nothing to sneeze at in your soybeans. Ragweed is becoming resistant to many products, Brian & Darren Hefty tell you exactly how to kill it in today's Weed of the Week.
Pre-Emerge Wheat Herbicides | Ag PhD
Brian & Darren Hefty give their top products in front of wheat.
"Winterizing" Alfalfa Fields | Ag PhD
Brian & Darren give their advice on the many things you can do to keep your alfalfa healthy through the off-season.
Ordering Seed Early, Grain Bin Preparation, and Reducing Corn Lodging | Ag PhD
Learn why farmers order next year's seed so early, how to prepare your grain bin for harvest, and the true causes of corn lodging.
Green Foxtail | Ag PhD
Learn how to identify and control green foxtail on the farm.
Control Resistant Annual Grasses & Broadleaf Weeds | FMC
As resistant foxtail and brome grasses continue to emerge, rotating your herbicide mode of action is increasingly important. Join FMC Technical Service Manager Ryan Hunt just outside of Bismarck, North Dakota. He’ll provide an overview of the attributes and flexibility of Anthem® Flex herbicide, ...
Brace Roots, Cover Crops, & Tiling | Ag PhD
Why do corn plants have those roots that appear above ground along the base of the stalk? Why should you plant oats or turnips in the fall? What exactly is drain tile & will it work on your farm? Plus Brian & Darren Hefty talk milkweed and combine fires in this Ag PhD Show.