Crop Protection

Crop Protection

Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.

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Crop Protection
  • Common Milkweed | Ag PhD

    It's a big perennial with waxy leaves & long roots that the pre-emerge herbicides don't control. Brian & Darren give the solution to milkweed mitigation in this week's Weed of the Week.

  • Brace Roots in Corn | Ag PhD

    The final of the 4 root systems in corn are brace roots. Brian & Darren tell us the different reasons why and where exactly they appear, if at all.

  • Wheat Weed Management Strategies With FMC to Help Avoid Yield Reduction

    Italian ryegrass is easy to spot during wheat harvest and can often indicate an ineffective management approach. In this Tech Talk, join FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward as he discusses preemergent and postemergent control strategies to help avoid yield losses from problematic wheat we...

  • Pesticides & Biotechnology, Post-Harvest Burndown, and Root Pits | Ag PhD

    Learn about myths vs. facts when it comes to pesticides and biotech, how to have a successful burndown after harvest, and what to look for when you dig a root pit.

  • Post-Harvest Burndown | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss various products you could use for a successful burndown after harvest.

  • Kochia | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss the challenge of controlling Kochia, especially in soybeans.

  • Pigweeds | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about the challenging weeds like Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.

  • Volunteer Wheat | Ag PhD

    Volunteer wheat is trouble anywhere, but your wheat field! Brian and Darren talk control in corn and soybeans.

  • Insect Life Cycles, Nutrient Deficiencies, and Late Season Spraying | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren talk about insects, the lack of N/P/K seen in crops, the last fungicide/insecticide application of the year, protecting bees, and volunteer wheat.

  • Spraying Near Bees | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty tells us how you can control insects and still not harm the bees.

  • Insect Life Cycles | Ag PhD

    There are so many varieties of bugs out there - some crawl, some fly, some eat leaves, some eat stems. And some will do it all, depending on what stage of their life they're in, Brian and Darren examine insects in today's Farm Basics.

  • Late Fungicide & Insecticide Spraying | Ag PhD

    Do you need one more application of fungicide or insecticide this season? To spray or not to spray, that is the question the Hefty brothers answer today.

  • Checking for Nutrient Deficiencies | Ag PhD

    Late season scouting can uncover many nutrient deficiencies in your fields. There may not be much you can do for this year's crop, but Brian and Darren say identification is the best way to begin planning for next year.

  • Enlist Weed Control System | Corteva

    See how the Enlist™ weed control system gives farmers the flexibility they need and the straightforwardness they demand.

  • Enlist Die-Hard - Ryan Vaksdal (SD) | Corteva

    Performance is why Ryan Vaksdal has been a die-hard loyalist of his favorite brand of golf balls over the years. It’s also why he wasn’t a die-hard fan of his old weed control system. See why he switched to the Enlist® weed control system.

  • Green Bridge, Desiccation & Pre-Harvest Burndown, and Soften Hard Soil | Ag PhD

    Learn about the "green bridge", desiccation and pre-harvest burndown, and how to soften soils that are too hard.

  • Desiccation and Pre-Harvest Burndown

    Learn about timing and products for a successful desiccation or pre-harvest burndown to make harvest easier.

  • The Green Bridge | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren explain what the "green bridge" is and why farmers want to eliminate it.

  • Russian Thistle | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss herbicide options to get Russian thistle under control on the farm.

  • Are Biologicals The Future of Ag? | XtremeAg

    Farming has changed significantly in the past few decades, and at top of the list in changes has been the increased availability and use of biologicals on modern farms. Will there soon be a time when all crop protection inputs will be biological based? Damian talks to Matt Miles and Trey Curtis f...

  • Help Prevent Alfalfa Weevil Damage with FMC's Steward® EC Insecticide

    FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward in back on the road! This time he’s in Oklahoma providing an overview on how Steward® EC insecticide can help mitigate alfalfa weevil damage, a problem that can take a bite out of many growers’ bottom lines. He’ll also outline ways FMC is monitoring alf...

  • Ag PhD Field Day, Improving Trouble Spots for Next Year, and Soybean Fungicides

    Brian and Darren invite you to Field Day 2022, examine prevent-plant acres, and discuss soybean fungicides. Plus prickly lettuce control and the burndown sprayer considerations in this episode.

  • Prickly Lettuce | Ag PhD

    This winter annual doesn't belong in a salad nor in your fields, Brian and Darren talk prickly lettuce control in corn, beans, and wheat.

  • Soybean Fungicides | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren talk about the necessity of applying fungicides mid and late season to keep your soybeans healthy and disease-free.