Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Wheat Burndown | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty gives advice on the best products and equipment to keep your harvested wheat field clean of weeds.
Harvest and Grain Bin Safety, Corn Insects, and Soybean Aphids | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about staying safe during harvest, scouting for and controlling insects in corn as well as controlling soybean aphids.
Corn Insects | Ag PhD
Learn about scouting for later-season corn insects and what products you could use to control them.
Soybean Aphids | Ag PhD
Learn about scouting for and controlling soybean aphids.
Giant Ragweed | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss control options for giant ragweed in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Crop Canopy, Corn Stalk Size, and Spider Mites | Ag PhD
This week, Brian and Darren talk about crop canopy, the importance of good stalk size in corn, and control of spider mites in corn and soybeans.
Virginia Ground Cherry | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss identifying and controlling Virginia ground cherry.
Spider Mites | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian discuss when you might find spider mites and how to control them.
Crop Canopy | Ag PhD
Learn about the various benefits that having good crop canopy can provide.
How Bugs Affect Crops | Ag PhD
Darren talks about various impacts that bugs can have on crops.
Maturity in Corn & Soybeans, Tar Spot, and Gall Midge | Ag PhD
This episode Brian and Darren Hefty talk about tar spot in corn, and gall midge in soybeans. Plus the weed is white clover, Iron Talk focuses on nitrogen applications, and is it heat or day-length primary for growing your corn and soybeans?.
Tar Spot | Ag PhD
Where is tar spot? What does it look like? And what can farmers do to manage this fungus? Darren Hefty talks about the worst disease you can have in corn.
White Clover | Ag PhD
You find this pesty perennial in fields and yards; Brian and Darren give you the right chemical to control white clover.
Tar Spot in Corn | Ag PhD
Gall Midge in Soybeans | Ag PhD
Gall Midge is spreading across the United States destroying your yields. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about a new way to suppress Gall at planting and save your beans.
What is a Health Agent and Does Your Crop Need One? | XtremeAg
We've heard of secret agents and talent agents, but what is a plant health agent? And more importantly, do you really need one? Damian talks with Matt Miles and Trey Curtis from Concept Agritek about a 40 acre trial they are running with a new product called Bio Health that coats the plant with h...
Tips to Tackle the Evolving Wheat Weed Spectrum | FMC
Year over year it seems the list of problematic wheat weeds continues to grow. Check out tips to help keep your wheat acres clean from weeds like annual bluegrass and Italian ryegrass with a delayed preemergence herbicide strategy. You’ll hear application tips and see trial results outlined by FM...
Air Inversions, Manage Alfalfa Between Cuttings & Sclerotinia White Mold| Ag PhD
Alfalfa management, white mold in soybeans, air temperature inversions, tractor air conditioning, and velvetleaf weed in today's program.
Sclerotinia White Mold in Soybeans | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren say it's the worst disease your crop can get. The Heftys have had their share of white mold in their fields and now they lay out their comprehensive plan to eliminate this fungus from soybeans.
Velvetleaf | Ag PhD
This annual large-seeded-broadleaf is not difficult to manage. Brian and Darren Hefty talk velvetleaf control in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Managing Alfalfa Between Cuttings | Ag PhD
You have to keep your alfalfa healthy, especially after you cut. Brian and Darren talk foliar fertilizer as well as insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, and more to keep your stand productive throughout the season.
Air Inversions | Ag PhD
When smoke goes sideways don't spray. Air temperature inversions are a regular weather phenomenon that can be seen, smelled, and heard. Brian and Darren explain why identifying them is important to farming.
2022 Ag PhD Field Day, Foliar Feeding in Corn and Soybeans, and Corn Fungicides
This episode, learn about the 2022 Ag PhD Field Day, when to apply foliar nutrients to corn and soybeans, and when you should apply fungicides in corn.
Keeping Spray On Target | Ag PhD
Darren talks about what you can do to ensure your spray lands and stays where it's supposed to.