Crop Protection

Crop Protection

Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.

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Crop Protection
  • Toothed Spurge | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss control options for toothed spurge.

  • Lawn Spray Timing | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about when to apply weed control products to your lawn.

  • Spray Considerations | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss various factors that could affect the quality of your spray application.

  • Sprayer Preparation | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about the benefits of checking over your sprayer before heading out to the field.

  • Barnyardgrass | Ag PhD

    Barnyardgrass is an annual grass weed with no ligules that can easily be controlled in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • In-Season Nitrogen Tests, Spray Dicamba Safely, Corn & Soybean Staging | Ag PhD

    Staging corn & soybeans, corn & wheat nitrate soil sampling in-season, avoiding issues when spraying dicamba, barnyardgrass control, and combine header maintenance with the DISCruptor.

  • Crop Stages of Corn and Soybeans | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren describe the different stages of corn and soybeans from emergence to harvest. The crop will change quickly as it matures, each new stage brings new ways to prepare it for getting the most yield possible.

  • Spraying Dicamba Safely | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty say Dicamba still has a place on the farm if used correctly. They give you advice about exactly when and where Dicamba can be used in corn and soybeans.

  • POST Herbicide Application Watchouts | FMC

    In the Midwest, a number of factors can lead to July applications of postemergence herbicides in soybeans. Join FMC Technical Service Manager Drake Copeland as he discusses an update for late-season application of Anthem® MAXX herbicide and outlines a few key watchouts to be aware of with POST he...

  • Nebraska Grower on FMC's 3RIVE 3D® Application System

    Nebraska grower Roy Houdersheldt plants all of his farm’s acres, making time a huge constraint each spring. Equipped with a 3RIVE 3D® application system on his planter, Roy says it allows him to “plant sunup to sundown and not have to stop for anything but seed.” Listen as he explains other benef...

  • A New Premix to Help Tackle Troublesome Soybean Pests | FMC

    Facing in-season pressure from Lepidopterans, grasshoppers, stink bugs or other pests in your soybeans? New Elevest® insect control provides fast-acting, long-lasting residual control of these and other problem insects. Join FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward and Retail Market Manager Gr...

  • Indiana Retailer on FMC's Xyway® LFR® Fungicide

    Doug Quear, location manager at Co-Alliance in Indian Trails, Indiana, considers Xyway® brand fungicides another tool in the toolbox to help growers maximize their yields and profitability. With more than 30 years of agricultural experience, Doug evaluates the challenges traditional in-season fol...

  • Beck's Hybrids on FMC's Xyway® Brand Fungicides

    Erich Hasler, ag system and agronomy specialist at Beck’s Hybrids, shares how Xyway® LFR® fungicide helps Beck’s Hybrid’s seed corn thrive from planting all the way through harvest. Listen in as Hasler describes how this game-changing fungicide is impacting day-to-day procedures and the advantage...

  • Tillage Directions, Mid-Season Wheat Fungicides, Insects on Field Borders|Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren talk worms, wheat fungicides, safely spraying with multiple inputs, tillage row directions, and shepherd's purse weed.

  • Mid-Season Wheat Fungicides | Ag PhD

    Applying fungicides at flag leaf could push your wheat yield well above expectations. With wheat prices up this year, Brian and Darren talk the importance of paying extra attention to this year's crop through the entire season.

  • Insects on the Borders | Ag PhD

    Cutworms, army worms and stalk borers are three insects you don't want to have in your fields. Brian and Darren Hefty tell us why focusing on your farm borders may be the the inexpensive trick to controlling these bugs that come from moths.

  • Shepherd's Purse | Ag PhD

    This winter annual broadleaf is easier to control if you start in the fall. Brian and Darren give you all you need to know about Shepherd's Purse in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • How Much Fertilizer, Spray Water Quality, Liberty Herbicide Alternatives| Ag PhD

    Learn about fertility needs of crops, what you can do if you can't get Liberty herbicide, and why you should test and treat your water before spraying.

  • Bur Cucumber | Ag PhD

    Learn about herbicide control options if you have bur cucumber in your fields.

  • Spray Water Quality | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers talk about the importance of testing and treating your water before spraying fields.

  • Liberty Herbicide Alternatives | Ag PhD

    Darren and Brian discuss what herbicides you could use if you are unable to get Liberty.

  • Volunteer Canola | Ag PhD

    The canola you planted last season is now coming up in this year's corn and soybeans. Don't worry, Brian and Darren have the answers to control that unwanted canola.

  • Post-Emerge Broadleaf Herbicides for Corn | Ag PhD

    What inputs are the best to fight those tough weeds once your corn and broadleafs emerge? Brian and Darren give you all the options in today's changing chemical market.

  • Why Farmers Let Corn Stand Through Winter, Sulfur Solution, 3 Pre's in Soybeans

    Brian and Darren discuss crops standing until spring, sulfur for crops, and the "Three Pre" program in soybeans.