Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Controlling Weeds in Shelterbelts, Field Border Spraying, Soybean Seed Treatment
Darren and Brian discuss weed control in shelterbelts, spraying field borders, and soybean seed treatments.
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And the winner of Corn Warriors Season 3 is...
© Corn Warriors 2019
Pre-Plant Weed Control in Soybeans | Nufarm
Spitfire – the only dicamba with a 7-day pre-plant interval for soybeans
Effects of Additives on Burndown Efficacy | Nufarm
Dr Dan Beran takes us through a side-by-side comparison of field trial plots showing the effects of adjuvants and tank mix components in burndown treatments.
ChampION Technical Review | Nufarm
Dr. Dan Beran, Nufarm’s US Technical Services Manager, reviews the technical attributes of ChampION++.
Fall Burndown and Residual Programs | Nufarm
Post harvest weed management can be just as important as managing weeds in spring. This webinar describes some guidelines and recommendations for post harvest herbicide programs.
Trunemco™ Outpaces the Field in Nematode Protection | Nufarm
This seed-applied nematode management technology is an excellent addition to your seed package to deliver proven nematode protection and improved crop yields.
Tactics for Controlling Kochia, Marestail & Pigweed | Nufarm
Learn about Nufarm's portfolio recommendations for managing important weeds like Kochia, Marestail and Pigweed.
WeedMaster vs. BurnMaster Product Comparisons | Nufarm
Get the benefits of 2,4-D and Dicamba in one package
Formulations for Successful Weed Control | Nufarm
The History and Science Behind Copper | Nufarm
Dr. Bob Bruss, Nufarm’s US Director of Field Research & Development, reviews the history, science, and unique characteristics of copper fungicide.
When Weeds Go To Seed | Ag PhD
Find out what can happen when farmers don't get weeds under control before they go to seed.
Wild Sunflowers | Ag PhD
This weed is a large seeded broadleaf that sometimes is a crop. Brian and Darren tell you how to stop sunflowers if you find them growing where you didn't plant them.
Wild Four O'Clock | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about the best products to use to control wild four o-clock on the farm.
Waterpod | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss options to control waterpod with both pre- and post-emerge products.
Buckbrush | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers offer tips for controlling buckbrush on the farm.
Common Speedwell | Ag PhD
Learn how to get common speedwell, a winter annual, under control on the farm.
Pre-Emerge Herbicides in Dry Conditions | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss getting great results from your pre-emerge herbicide application when soils are dry.
Group 15 Herbicides | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian discuss using Group 15 herbicides pre- and post-emerge in corn and soybeans.
Insect Control In Alfalfa | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about various harmful insects in alfalfa and products you could use to control them.
Heading Applications in Wheat | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren go over the various applications you could make at heading time in your wheat fields.
Weed Control in XtendFlex Soybeans | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian discuss ways to have great weed control if you're planting XtendFlex soybeans this year.
Soybean Seed Treatments | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about the various kinds of products you can include in your soybean seed treatment.
Should You Incorporate Pre-Emerge Herbicides? | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss pre-emerge herbicide application and whether to incorporate them or leave them on the soil surface.