Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Controlling Weeds Early vs. Late | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the importance of controlling weeds before a crop emerges, and how farmers control weeds later in the season.
Mayweed Chamomile | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about control options for mayweed chamomile in winter wheat and other areas of the farm.
Prostrate Vervain | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss various control methods for prostrate vervain in pastures and other areas on the farm.
Stinging Nettle | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren share stories and experiences when it comes to controlling stinging nettle.
Jerusalem Artichoke | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss the challenges of identifying and controlling Jerusalem artichoke, a tough perennial weed.
Perennial Sowthistle | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about the challenges of controlling perennial sowthistle, and what products you could use to get rid of it.
Black Medic | Ag PhD
If you have black medic in your lawn and want to get rid of it, Brian and Darren talk about some control options you could use.
Curly Dock | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss herbicide control options to get rid of curly dock on the farm.
Yellow Toadflax | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about getting yellow toadflax under control on the farm.
Buffalo Bur | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss control of the thorny buffalo bur.
Soybean Gall Midge | Ag PhD
Soybean gall midge is a new insect destroying soybean crops in the upper Midwest. The Hefty brothers offer ideas and information on this growing pest problem.
Shattercane | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss identifying and controlling shattercane in corn and other crops.
In-Furrow Fungicides | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the importance of using fungicide in-furrow in corn.
Corn Pre-Emerge Herbicides | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss pre-emerge product options and application timings for great weed control in corn.
Biennial Wormwood Sage | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss ways to get biennial wormwood under control on the farm.
Common Knotweed | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about getting common knotweed under control on the farm.
Common Mullein | Ag PhD
Common mullein is an easy to identify tall biennial weed that can produce 100,000 seeds per plant.
Liberty Shortage | Ag PhD
There is a shortage of glufosinate. Brian and Darren talk about what alternatives are available.
Arkansas Wild Rose | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to control Arkansas wild rose.
Pennsylvania Smartweed | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss the challenge of controlling Pennsylvania smartweed on the farm.
Jimson Weed | Ag PhD
Jimson weed is a very stinky and highly poisonous weed found in some fields. The Heftys talk about the best products to eliminate jimson weed in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Western Salsify | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss identifying and controlling western salsify.
Late Season Corn Herbicide Spraying
From Ag PhD Episode #1105 | Air Date 06/09/19 - Brian and Darren Hefty discuss late-season corn herbicides to help you identify the best time to spray on your farm.
Leadplant | Ag PhD
Leadplant is usually a desirable plant, but occasionally it shows up where you don't want it. Brian and Darren discuss how to control this plant if you need to.