Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Fall Herbicide Application | Ag PhD
If winter annual weeds are a problem for you in the spring, spraying burndown and residual herbicides after harvest may help.
Corn Fungicide Applications | Ag PhD
When should you spray corn with fungicides? In this week's Ag PhD episode, Brian and Darren Hefty discuss how to protect your investment.
Pre and Burndown Options in Wheat | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren go over the various pre-emerge and burndown herbicides you could use before a wheat crop.
Soybean Post-Emerge Residual Herbicides | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss products to use for great post-emerge weed control in soybeans.
Tassel Applications in Corn | Ag PhD
Does it always pay to spray late in the growing season? Brian and Darren Hefty discuss some things you need to know about corn.
Dicamba, Xtend, and XtendFlex | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss dicamba and Xtend vs. XtendFlex soybeans.
Water Quality When Foliar Feeding | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty talk about the importance of having proper water quality when foliar feeding crops.
Discussing Soybean Diseases | Ag PhD
In this segment of Ag PhD, Brian asks Darren Hefty for the facts about several soybean diseases.
Burndown Without Spray Drift | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty explains how to have a successful burndown following a wheat crop.
Insect Control In Alfalfa | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers dive into various insect problems in Alfalfa and methods of control.
Late Season Weed Control | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss options for controlling late-season weeds in corn and soybeans.
Soybean Aphid Control | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about scouting for and controlling soybean aphids.
Field Bindweed | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss control options for field bindweed on the farm.
Greensnap and Lodging in Corn | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss steps to take to avoid lodging and greensnap in your corn fields.
Soybean Gall Midge | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the challenges of dealing with soybean gall midge larvae.
Late-Season Soybean Fungicides | Ag PhD
Should you apply a fungicide to your soybeans this late in the season? Darren and Brian talk about things to consider.
Sudden Death Syndrome in Soybeans | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers discuss ways you can reduce sudden death syndrome in your soybeans.
Spraying Fall Pastures | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss the importance of controlling pasture weeds in the fall.
Lady's Thumb Smartweed | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss how to identify and control lady's thumb smartweed.
Prickly Sida | Ag PhD
Learn which products you could use to control prickly sida on your farm.
Spider Mites | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty talk about scouting for and controlling spider mites in crop fields.
Corn Soil Insecticides | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren discuss product options and application methods for corn soil insecticides to control rootworms and other below-ground pests.
Weed Control in Adverse Conditions | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty talk about getting great weed control when the weather is not ideal for spraying.
What Corn Field Should You Harvest First? | Ag PhD
Darren and Brian Hefty discuss factors that can affect the standability of your corn as harvest time approaches.