Crop Protection
Weeds choking out crops. Diseases devastating yields. Insects ravaging acres. Mother Nature doesn’t make it easy for farmers. Find out how to rid your fields of pests and preserve yield potential.
Tilling Pre-Emerge Herbicides | Ag PhD
What's the best tool to get your first input into the correct place in your soil? Finding the right depth can also be solved with the right speed, too.
Neal Kinsey Seminar, Weed Control in Oats, Understanding Mulder's Chart | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about the upcoming Kinsey fertility & soil seminar being held on their farm. Plus they share their favorite oat herbicides, and how to use Mulder's Chart. The Weed of the Week is buckthorn, and Darren shows you the best way incorporate pre-emerge herbicides.
2024 Neal Kinsey Soil and Fertility Seminar | Ag PhD
Renowned soils expert Neal Kinsey will give a three-day clinic at the Hefty Farm in Baltic, SD February 20-22, 2024.
Buckthorn | Ag PhD
This invasive volunteer tree has poisonous berries and hosts soybean aphids. The Heftys tell us how to save our shelterbelts from one of the toughest weeds out there.
Biotechnology and the Covid Vaccine, Molybdenum, Tar Spot in Corn | Ag PhD
This episode covers the similarities between biotech crops and the Covid vaccine, how to test for and apply molybdenum, and how to identify and control tar spot in corn.
Tar Spot in Corn | Ag PhD
Learn how to identify tar spot in corn and steps you can take to stop it from robbing yield in your corn fields.
Rough Fleabane | Ag PhD
Learn how to control rough fleabane in pre-emerge, burndown, and in-crop applications.
2024 Ag PhD Soybean Workshop | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers invite you to their free Soybean Agronomy Workshop near Baltic, SD on Thursday, February 8th, 2024.
Soybean Gall Midge | Ag PhD
Their larvae are tiny, but their impact can be 100% yield loss. The Heftys give you the latest on this growing Midwestern problem, and tips for fighting back.
Dry Insecticide When Planting Corn | Ag PhD
Dry insecticide is coming back. Darren Hefty tells you why and how to do it in today's Iron Talk.
Ag PhD Soybean Workshop, Soybean Gall Midge, Elemental S Can Lower pH | Ag PhD
Brian and Darren Hefty share their advice on soybeans in a free seminar you are invited to. Plus they have specific tips on gall midge larvae and pure sulfur use. This episode's Weed is annual bluegrass, with an Iron Talk on dry insecticide.
Annual Bluegrass | Ag PhD
Bluegrass is great on your radio, but not in your wheat! The brothers Hefty give you the right instrument to stop annual bluegrass in your corn, soybeans, and small grains.
Incorporating Pre-Emerge Soybean Herbicides | Ag PhD
Darren talks about best practices when applying and incorporating pre-emerge soybean herbicides.
Ag PhD Naturals Workshop, Crop Removal & Fertilizer Replacement, Organic Matter
Brian and Darren discuss the 2024 Ag PhD Naturals Workshop, how to properly fertilize after crop removal, and the importance of organic matter in your soil and how to increase or decrease it over time.
Common Speedwell | Ag PhD
Find out how to control common speedwell with burndown, pre-emerge, and in-crop applications.
Germination Seed Tests, Saline Soil Solutions, Picking Up New Ground | Ag PhD
In this episode the Hefty brothers talk about the temperatures seeds sprout, a three-tiered plan to stop salty soils, and what's the priority on a brand new field. The Weed of the Week is waterpod, plus Darren explains CTIS in Iron Talk.
Waterpod | Ag PhD
It's a small annual weed that thrives in wet conditions. The Heftys offer a non-chemical approach and a more traditional way to stop waterpod in corn, soybeans, and wheat.
Picking Up New Ground | Ag PhD
Congratulations you bought or rented a new field. Brian and Darren talk about the five things they would immediately do to that ground.
Black Medic | Ag PhD
Learn how to control black medic in lawns as well as crop fields.
Weed Control in Grain Sorghum | Ag PhD
The Hefty brothers talk about various herbicides and traits you could use to get great weed control in grain sorghum.
Imbibitional Chilling, Soil Test Conversions, Weed Control in Grain Sorghum
Brian and Darren explain how you can get good plant growth when seeds germinate with cold water in the soil, how to do some basic soil test conversions, and how to get great weed control in your grain sorghum fields.
Jerusalem Artichoke | Ag PhD
A weed is a plant growing where you don't want it. This weed is a perennial, with rhizomes and tubers - don't worry, the Hefty brothers have a good plan to control it.
Farmers Diversify Crops | Ag PhD
There's a reason farmers don't plant just one crop each year. Darren Hefty says variety is the spice of life, and good for your yield, too.
Our Corn Program | Ag PhD
How do the Hefty boys raise their corn? Brian and Darren provide a detailed explanation of what they do, from fall soil testing to late summer fungicides.