Are Chinese Drones Spying On American Agriculture? | Damian Mason
Damian Mason - The Business of Agriculture
The global Agriculture drone market is predicted to grow by 31.5% annually over the next four years. That’s good for Ag innovation but bad for American national security. Why? Because the dominant global manufacturer of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) for Agriculture, is directly linked to the Chinese Communist Party. That company — DJI — currently controls about 3/4 of the Ag drone market, including here in North America. Besides spraying product on our fields, there is compelling evidence the company is gathering data and providing it to the Chinese government. Arthur Erickson, CEO of Texas-based Ag drone maker Hylio, joins Damian for this important discussion.
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
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Redox Bio-Nutrients
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