Speaking of Agriculture — A Fun Conversation with Vance Crowe | Damian Mason
Damian Mason - The Business of Agriculture
1h 4m
Vance Crowe and Damian Mason have spoken to hundreds of thousands of Agricultural audience members. In this fun and fast moving discussion, they share "behind the scenes” stories from their careers on stage at Ag meetings all over the world. How do you handle a disagreeable audience? Why should you never actually write a speech? What makes for a good or bad audience? Have you ever bombed? (Anyone who says they haven’t is a liar!) What’s hard about the speaking biz that most people don’t see? Damian and Vance cover all that and more in this friendly and entertaining edition of The Business of Agriculture.
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
Pattern Ag pattern.ag
Redox Bio-Nutrients redoxgrows.com
Truterra truterraag.com
This content is protected. ©Damian Mason, all rights reserved. Not available for AI.
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