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Jump Start Your Pasture | Ag PhD
5m 25s
If you want a great lush pasture this year, start now. Brian and Darren Hefty talk pasture soil sampling, gibberellic acid, fertility, weeds and more.
Up Next in Fertility
Acidic Soil and Lime | Ag PhD
Darren Hefty explains why farmers sometimes apply lime, or calcium carbonate, to their soils.
Early Pre-Emerge Spraying, Nutrient S...
In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about suckers in wheat and corn, the earliest you can spray before you plant, and where the fertility should be in the different layers of soil. Volunteer corn is the Weed of the Week. And Darren discusses field cultivators in the Iron Talk segment.
Nutrient Stratification | Ag PhD
Where exactly is all your fertilizer? Brian & Darren talk the importance of having your P, Zn, Cu, K at the right layers of the soil.