

Time to put on the accounting visor! Even the simplest operations can have highly complicated budgets. Keeping yours in the black means staying on top of everything, from grain marketing, rebates, and rent to government programs, equipment and product purchases, succession planning, and more.

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  • December 15, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal...
    We get into the many uses for propane on your agricultural operation and check in with the beef checkoff. Darin Newsom gives us his two cents on the grain markets and Eric Hunt has the latest weather forecast. Plus, see how drones can simplify your life when it come...

  • So, What's Wrong With the Cattle Market? | Cattle Call

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at what is wrong with the market and how the weather has been almost perfect for winter cattle growth. Plus, is there a pickup on Saturday kills at a variety of plants?

  • Prepaying Crop Inputs | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers help you make dollars and sense of buying all your seed and chemical for next spring.

  • Yield Map Uses, Copper, Prepaying Crop Inputs | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss what a farmer can wield with a good yield map, the best practices with the micronutrient copper, and the process for buying supplies overwinter. Plus the Weed of the Week is prostrate vervain, and an Iron Talk on reasons and solutions for fallen corn.

  • December 08, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week Market Journal was taped live at the 2023 Nebraska Ag Expo in Lincoln, Nebraska. We were able to get a first hand look at some of the most innovative ag technologies available to producers as well as a few other fun finds. Heather Ramsey was on hand to give us her two cents on the marke...

  • December 01, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on MJ...
    We continue our coverage of the 2023 NAFB convention in Kansas City, as we discuss carbon credits and why AM radio should remain a vehicular mainstay. As the temperatures keep dropping, we're taking a look back at the 2023 summer grazing tour and catching up with Mike Briggs to...

  • November 24, 2023 | Market Journal

    This Week on Market Journal we take a look back at this years NAFB Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. Our team was joined by several producers. Our conversations this week include Land Value Overview, Holiday Meal Prices, Custom Forage Harvesters, Markets and Biodiesel.

  • Specialty Contract Evaluation | AgrisAcademy

    Specialty contracts have opportunities and pitfalls. The changing environment in US agriculture has us scrutinizing these contracts to determine true value.

  • November 17, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal...
    Get an update on some educational opportunities with the University of Nebraska Lincoln's Center For Agricultural Profitability and FSA elections.
    We've got some food for thought when it comes to prescribed burns in your pastures. Jeff Peterson of Heartland Farm Par...

  • Price Protection, Soybean Seeding Rate, Fixing Phosphorus Fertility | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers talk about saving you money at the register, planting more soybean seeds per acre, and the tricks to getting the most out of your phosphorus. Also, the Weed of the Week is perennial sow thistle, and the hot topic in Iron Talk is engine coolants.

  • Price Protection on Crop Inputs | Ag PhD

    Protecting prices is just as important as protecting your crop. Brian and Darren help you save money on your seed and chem.

  • November 11, 2023 | Market Journal

    This Week on Market Journal
    Darin Fessler of Lakefront Futures and Options stops by to give us his 2 cents on the Markets. Bryce brings us some highlights from this year's National FFA Convention, which was held in Indianapolis, Indiana last week. Get a better understanding of CO OP Month and le...

  • Cattle on Feed Report Haunts Cattle Complex | Cattle Call

    This week had started out tough for the cattle market.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek looks at the continued haunting of the cattle on feed report and some long-haul trips for cattle in the north to help meat grade in the south.

    We also look at a questi...

  • November 03, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal
    We are getting an update on harvest from Gothenburg, Nebraska
    and a sneak peek at the National FFA Convention taking place this week in Indianapolis Indiana. Ben Beckman gives us some tips on grazing frosted forages and Kyle Bumsted gives us his 2 cents on the markets...

  • October 27, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal
    We get an update from in the field with a western Nebraska producer and get some tips on testing soil samples for soybean Cyst Nematode. Todd Hultman from DTN gives us his two cents on the markets. We'll get some great tips on cattle nutrition and reproduction from th...

  • Is Market a Victim of Algorithm Trade? | Cattle Call

    The livestock complex fell sharply to start the week. Feeder cattle and live cattle saw the heaviest losses. That was a direct result of the cattle on feed report last week.

  • Calling the Women in Agriculture | AgrisAcademy

    Women are an important part of today's farming operations. Many of our female clients are the decision makers for the farms grain merchandising and risk management. We want to personally invite the women of agriculture to attend the AgrisAcademy master class.

  • Will the Marketplace Pay a Premium for “Grown Climate Smart” Designation?

    Using a $40 million federal grant paid over five years via USDA’s climate initiative, DeLong company created the “Grown Climate Smart” program. A 38 branch Ag retailer and grain elevator, DeLong has roughly 250,000 customer acres enrolled in the program that incentivizes wind breaks, cover croppi...

  • October 20, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal
    We get another update on Harvest progress near York, Nebraska and learn about the new heifer development program taking shape at UNL's Haskell Ag Lab. President of Heartland Farm Partners, Jeff Peterson joins us in studio to break down what he's seeing in the markets....

  • Tendencies | AgrisAcademy

    A detailed look at two common tendencies that cost farmers money. First, we define a systematic tendency. Second, we connect that systematic error with how it is costing your farm dollars.

  • How Did Brokers Execute a Commodity Trade Before the Internet? | Grain IQ

    Long before the instantaneous internet, grain traders in Chicago made trades by hand. Literally.

    In fact, traders basically came up with their own version of sign language for this highly-active job.

    Mark Gold of Top Third Ag Marketing in Chicago described what his job looked like in the 1970s...

  • Is Ag Real Estate at a Peak? | Damian Mason

    Farmland prices have been on fire the last couple years. But are those prices peaking? Beyond the huge sale numbers seen on social media, Ag property has been selling well but…there are signs of a cooling off. What can we expect moving forward? Will the institutional investors remain in Ag land? ...

  • October 13, 2023 | Market Journal

    This week on Market Journal...
    We take a trip into the fields near Tekamah, Nebraska to get our weekly update on crop conditions and harvest progress. Get some great advice when it comes to moving your herd from the pasture to the corral. Doug Simon of Tredas gives us our weekly market analysis a...

  • Uncertainly is Bearish for the Cattle Market | Cattle Call

    Wednesday brought a good market trade for cattle.

    On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima, Kooima, Varilek, looks at if this market is oversold & what the immediate need is of the packer.