Will RFK Jr. “Un-Fauci” Our Food, Or Make Matters Worse? | Damian Mason
Food Focus
RFK Jr. as head of Health and Human Services will oversee the Food and Drug Administration and will have a role in setting food policy in the United States. Will RFK “Un-Fauci” our food system? And what exactly is meant by “Fauci’d,” you ask? When a bureaucrat uses fraudulent science to achieve political outcomes, enhance his power, and collaborate with corporations to earn profits, that’s the "Fauci Factor." Believe it or not, our food was “Fauci’d” beginning in the 1950s. Will RFK eradicate the bad science and corporate interests making us unhealthy? Or will his organic zealotry and opposition to seed oils make matters worse? Damian Mason delves into those questions and possible outcomes in this special edition of The Business of Agriculture, recorded in Damian’s kitchen!
The Business of Agriculture Podcast with Damian Mason is Sponsored by:
Pattern Ag pattern.ag
Redox Bio-Nutrients redoxgrows.com
Truterra truterraag.com
This content is protected. ©Damian Mason, all rights reserved. Not available for AI.
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