Quest for the Canola Crown
With food shortages and escalated input prices, 5 Canadian Farmers set out to raise yields and claim the world record Canola yield for Canada, with their hearts desire to feed a growing population. See the challenges that farming in the true north pose while farming from snow to snow and battling out the elements in a changing environment. Not only will they be using advanced farming practices and in crop management strategies, but they are also super cool!! With their seeds chosen and equipment fueled up, take a ride with them on their farm machinery, airplanes, and helicopters to new heights in yield plateaus and high yield management techniques. Which Farmer will claim the world record for Canada to be proud of?
High Risk, High Reward | Episode 1 | Quest for the Canola Crown
Introducing 3 of Canada's top yielding farmers as they battle out late spring seeding in wet conditions and struggling through high inputs prices and risky situations. Bjorn Bliek, Craig & Jeremy Andres, and Bill Boese invite you to their farm to introduce you to Canadian style farming in a harsh...
Honey, Check Out My Technology | Episode 2 | Quest for the Canola Crown
With fertilizer usage restrictions imposed and sky-high prices, these Canadian farmers introduce you to new technology they are using to become more efficient, as well as show how conscientious they are towards our environment and honeybees. They work hand in hand to feed our people.
Sappy Business | Episode 3 | Quest for the Canola Crown
The Canola Whisperer shows you how to confidently find strategies on how to maximize yields, while using less fertilizer. 2nd place world record canola farmer Florian Hagmann moves from Western Canada to PEI on a quest of vacationing, while raising canola yields there.
Farming as a Team Player | Episode 4 | Quest for the Canola Crown
2022 NHL Coach of the year Darryl Sutter talks about his memories of canola, and what it means to him growing up on a farm in Alberta. Florian Hagmann harvests his first canola crop in PEI, as we reveal his second-place world record yield from 2015 in Saskatchewan.
Black is the New Gold | Episode 5 | Quest for the Canola Crown
As the beautiful bright yellow canola fields ripen into little black seeds of hope, our farmers reveal their best yields prior to stepping up their game and introduce you to what they have in store for their 2023 quest.