

Successful results at harvest start with the seeds that get put in the ground. Watch here for everything about seed. From hybrid and variety selection to seed treatments and genetics, AcresTV is your seed central.

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  • There's No Fear in Forage Sorghum, But There is in Marketing | Buzzard's Beat

    An inquiry into the way food is labeled is underway at USDA/FSIS - let's talk about labeling! Also, we get our new herbicide-resistant and drought tolerant forage sorghum in the ground. Will it rain in a timely fashion for crop?

  • Millborn Seeds - Big Country

    This predominantly warm-season grass mix will grow well in most soil conditions and will reach 4-6 feet tall at full maturity. The diversity of this mix creates the structure to provide visual appeal and wildlife habitat year-round. Big Country is an excellent choice for all native grassland appl...

  • Millborn Seeds - #2 Waterway Mix

    Our Waterway Mix is a great solution for grass establishment in highly erodible areas. This mix consists of cool-season grasses that are quick to establish and will fill in and form a sod over time. It will consistently produce one high yielding cutting of hay, or grazing throughout the year. Thi...

  • Millborn Seeds - Boulevard Blend

    Boulevard Blend is designed to stand up to the harsh, salty conditions that may exist on boulevards, near parking areas and anywhere that may be exposed to ice melt salt.

  • Corn Maturity Selection | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty talk about various factors that farmers consider when choosing what maturity of corn to plant.

  • How Much Seed Do Farmers Buy, Late-Planted Corn, Post-Emerge Soybean Herbicides

    Learn how farmers decide how much seed to purchase when planting the farm, how to maximize yield when planting corn later in the season, and the best ways to control weeds post-emerge in soybeans.

  • How Much Seed Do Farmers Buy? | Ag PhD

    Learn about the various factors that farmers consider when deciding how much seed to purchase for planting the whole farm.

  • Equal Emergence | Ag PhD

    Farmers aim to have all of their crops come up out of the ground at the exact same time. Darren Hefty explains this important agronomy concept in today's Ag Minute.

  • Millborn Seeds - Ranch Hand

    A good Ranch Hand can do it all and that’s just what this mix will do. There’s been an increase in demand for season-long covers with more diversity. The Ranch Hand is a predominantly warm-season mix that is very well suited for grazing. This mix will perform well as a multipurpose blend in the t...

  • Millborn Seeds - Premium Graze

    Premium Graze is a blend of warm season grasses and forage brassicas that has been developed as a summer annual grazing system. It is also commonly used as a cover crop following early harvest of a small grain or spring forage. Premium Graze can be planted early in the summer and used as a rotati...

  • Millborn Seeds - Nutrient Builder

    Nutrient Builder is a very diverse blend developed to improve soil for next year’s cash crop. This cover crop cocktail will help fix nitrogen, build organic matter, and alleviate compaction. Seven different species will also help increase the soil’s microbial activity.

    This mix meets the NRCS st...

  • Millborn Seeds - Winter Triticale

    Winter Triticale is a winter annual grain developed through a cross between winter wheat and winter rye. It is commonly planted for forage production and displays desirable traits from each of its parent species. Winter Triticale is extremely winter hardy like cereal rye but produces high quality...

  • Millborn Seeds - White Wonder Millet

    White Wonder Millet is a foxtail-type millet primarily grown for hay. White Wonder millet will grow rapidly in warm weather and is adapted to a variety of soil types. This species is fast-growing, producing high forage yields, and can be harvested as quickly as 60-70 days after planting. White Wo...

  • Millborn Seeds - Teff Grass

    Teff Grass is a warm-season annual grass that is commonly used for hay production or grazing. Teff has gained popularity due to its excellent forage quality and fast growth which allows for multiple cuttings during the growing season. Teff Grass is very fine stemmed and fine-bladed. This makes it...

  • Millborn Seeds - Spring Triticale

    Spring Triticale is a spring planted version of the hybrid cross between cereal rye and wheat. It is commonly planted as a hay or haylage crop and can produce high levels of dry matter under challenging conditions. It is later maturing than oats or barley and will maintain its forage quality for ...

  • Millborn Seeds - Siberian Millet

    Siberian Millet is a warm-season annual grass and a foxtail type millet. It is a shorter variety that is commonly planted as a single-cut hay millet. Siberian Millet is the fastest maturing hay millet and will reach maturity about a week earlier than German or White Wonder Millet. It works well g...

  • Millborn Seeds - Piper Sudangrass

    Piper sudangrass is a warm-season annual, commonly grown for forage. With finer stems and leaves than sorghum-sudangrass, Piper Sudangrass can be used for hay or grazing. Piper is known for its rapid growth and lower prussic acid content than sorghum sudangrass. It produces large amounts of organ...

  • Millborn Seeds - Pearl Millet

    Pearl Millet is a warm-season annual grass commonly used for grazing as well as hay and silage production. Pearl Millet is desirable as forage due to its high leaf to stem ratio and high yield potential. It can reach heights of over 6’ tall at full maturity, making it more comparable to sorghum-s...

  • Millborn Seeds - Pea/Triticale

    Our 60/40 Pea/Triticale blend is an alternative spring forage option to the other commonly used mixtures of forage peas and small grains such as oats or barley. Spring triticale has advantages in yield while maintaining excellent forage quality. Forage Peas are very high in crude protein and dige...

  • Millborn Seeds - Pea/Barley

    Our 60/40 Pea/Barley blend is a popular spring forage that will exceed other common options in forage quality. Forage Peas are very high in crude protein and digestibility and have good yield when blended with a small grain such as barley. Using a beardless forage variety of barley in the blend p...

  • Millborn Seeds - Optigraze

    Optigraze is a blend of cool-season grasses and brassicas that have been developed as a season-long grazing cover crop. If planted in the spring, Optigraze can provide grazing throughout the summer and well into the fall season.

    The forage oats in the mix provide the first initial flush of growt...

  • Millborn Seeds - MS 9000 Sorghum Sudangrass

    Sorghum Sudangrass is a warm-season annual grass developed as a hybrid cross between forage sorghum and sudangrass. It is commonly used as a versatile forage option for grazing, hay, or silage. MS 9000 displays rapid growth and can reach heights of 6-8’ tall at maturity. Unlike forage sorghum, so...

  • Millborn Seeds - Japanese Millet

    Japanese Millet is a warm-season annual grass commonly grown for forage. It grows up to 5’ tall and has a slightly coarser stem than other hay millets. It is extremely quick growing and can be ready to cut for hay within 50 days of planting. It also displays good regrowth persistence in a multi-c...

  • Millborn Seeds - Hybrid Rye

    Hybrid Rye was bred to be the highest yielding small grain on the market. Its extensive tillering, solid stem and uniform grain set allow it to out yield other small grains in light and sandy soil. Its Pollen Plus technology creates a shorter pollination window which reduces the chances of ergot ...