

Successful results at harvest start with the seeds that get put in the ground. Watch here for everything about seed. From hybrid and variety selection to seed treatments and genetics, AcresTV is your seed central.

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  • Replaceable Planter Parts | Ag PhD

    You should change planter opening discs when they become worn, even in the middle of the planting season says Darren.

  • Seeding Depth | Ag PhD

    Darren and Brian talk about planting depth for corn, soybeans, and wheat, and what factors may cause you to adjust your depth.

  • Fences, Seeding Depth & Three Pre Program in Soybeans | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss fences around fields, what depth to plant your corn, soybeans and wheat, and what products to apply pre-emerge in soybeans.

  • Early Pre-Emerge Spraying, Nutrient Stratification & Tillering in Crops | Ag PhD

    In this episode, Brian and Darren Hefty talk about suckers in wheat and corn, the earliest you can spray before you plant, and where the fertility should be in the different layers of soil. Volunteer corn is the Weed of the Week. And Darren discusses field cultivators in the Iron Talk segment.

  • Field Cultivator Depth | Ag PhD

    Your spring tillage is so important in getting your seed off to a good start. Darren Hefty talks field cultivator tricks in this Iron Talk.

  • Tillering in Crops | Ag PhD

    Are suckers good or bad? Brian and Darren say tillering in grass crops is not necessarily a negative and may actually improve your yield.

  • Seed Bed Preparation | Ag PhD

    It takes the perfect seed bed to get the perfect crop. Today Darren talks about tillage and soil conditions to get the seed off to a good start.

  • Frost Heaves in the Road, Molybdenum Matters, Planting Population | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to stop winter damage on your roads, how much molybdenum your crops need, and exactly how thick or thin you should plant your corn and soybeans. Tough puncturevine is the Weed of the Week and the Germinator Closing Wheel is discussed in this week's Iron Talk.

  • Planting Population | Ag PhD

    What's the ideal planting population for corn and soybeans? Brian and Darren give you the equations and ideas so you don't plant too thick or too thin.

  • Early Corn Planting | Ag PhD

    How early is too early to plant? Darren Hefty talks about the many factors that need to be considered before you put the seed in the soil.

  • Planting Innovations | Ag PhD

    What does it take to get your crop up and out of the ground faster than ever? Brian and Darren talk about their experiences with the Germinator Closing Wheel.

  • Surface vs. Sub-Surface Drainage, Silica, Dry Beans Management | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty discuss tiling and ditching, their trials with silica, and weed control and more in dry beans. The Weed of the Week is crabgrass. Plus we talk about how drought can actually help you prepare variable rate planting maps.

  • Determining Variable Rate Population | Ag PhD

    Use your drought yield map to help you better set up up variable planting populations. Darren gives you the formulas to help get the most out of your planted seeds.

  • Nutrient Movement, Saline Soil Solution & Continuous Corn Considerations| Ag PhD

    Brian & Darren talk about the mobility of nutrients within your crop, fixing salty soils, and corn on corn management. The Weed of The Week is the awful musk thistle. Plus the Iron Talk concerns how to apply dry seed treatments correctly on your planter.

  • Static Electricity in Dry Seed Treatments | Ag PhD

    There is a wrong way, a right way, and an even better way to put inoculants & biologicals on your seed in the planter. Darren Hefty explains physics in this Iron Talk.

  • Continuous Corn Considerations | Ag PhD

    Corn on corn has to be handled much differently than when rotating. You need to take a different approach to fertility, insect, disease and residue management.

  • Refuge Corn Hybrids | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about why farmers almost always have different types of corn plants in one field.

  • Producing More With Less Seed | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about getting higher yields by planting fewer seeds.

  • Warm vs Cold Germination Tests, Checking Grain Bins, Copper Talk | Ag PhD

    How do you know if: your seed will start right this spring, your stored grain will survive the winter, and your soil has enough copper in it? Brian and Darren Hefty answer these questions and talk swamp smartweed and soybean herbicide placement in this episode.

  • Warm vs Cold Germination Tests | Ag PhD

    How well will your seeds sprout in cold soils next spring? Brian & Darren explain the variety of germination trials performed by seed companies to help you select the best for your part of the world.

  • Dry Seed Treatments | Ag PhD

    Darren offers tips on getting the most out of your dry planter box seed treatments.

  • The Weed Seed Bank, Fixing Sodic Soils, Variable Planting Population | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss the continuous fight against weeds, how to fix soils that have too much sodium, and how to decide if you should increase or decrease planting populations in corn, soybeans, and wheat.

  • Variable Planting Population | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss planting different populations across your corn, soybean, and wheat fields

  • An Asparagus Entrepreneur | Damian Mason

    Ken Wall left his post as an attorney and moved his two sons back to the Ontario specialty crop farm he was raised on in the 1990s. Since then he’s expanded the enterprise, gotten in the seed business, built a food processing facility, and created a niche manufacturing company. He explains the bu...