A New Fertility Management Platform | Ag PhD
2m 31s
VRAFY is what the Hefty brothers now use to manage fertility and so much more. VRAFY automatically generates prescriptions for your soil, and finds your yield-limiting nutrients.
Up Next in Technology
Fall Drain Tile Installation | Ag PhD
It's an uphill battle to get a good subsurface drainage system on your farm. Before you start digging, Brian and Darren answer your questions on size, spacings, slopes, soil, and more.
Burning Ditches & Residue, Cation Exc...
The Hefty brothers discuss why a farmer would burn in and around their fields, measuring how 'heavy' soil is, and they share their tricks about putting in drainage tile. The Weed of the Week is broadleaf signalgrass, and Iron Talk is all about VRAFY.
Drying Grain, Residue Management, Mat...
Find out how farmers dry grain down to an ideal moisture percentage, how to manage residue in fields to avoid harm to the next crop, and how to increase yield and profitability by correlating your soil test data to your yield data.