

Technology in agriculture is constantly expanding. With developments in advanced GPS systems, variable rate application, fleet management, data integration, automation, remote systems, and more, you won’t want to miss out on the latest developments.

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  • Golden Rice | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren explain what "Golden Rice" is and how biotechnology can save lives across the world.

  • Grain Cart Innovations | Ag PhD

    Today's grain cart has come a long way from grandpa's. Darren shows the latest Demcos he uses on the Hefty farm.

  • A New Fertility Management Platform | Ag PhD

    VRAFY is what the Hefty brothers now use to manage fertility and so much more. VRAFY automatically generates prescriptions for your soil, and finds your yield-limiting nutrients.

  • Fall Drain Tile Installation | Ag PhD

    It's an uphill battle to get a good subsurface drainage system on your farm. Before you start digging, Brian and Darren answer your questions on size, spacings, slopes, soil, and more.

  • Burning Ditches & Residue, Cation Exchange Capacity, Tile Installation | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers discuss why a farmer would burn in and around their fields, measuring how 'heavy' soil is, and they share their tricks about putting in drainage tile. The Weed of the Week is broadleaf signalgrass, and Iron Talk is all about VRAFY.

  • Drying Grain, Residue Management, Matching Soil Test Data to Yield Data | Ag PhD

    Find out how farmers dry grain down to an ideal moisture percentage, how to manage residue in fields to avoid harm to the next crop, and how to increase yield and profitability by correlating your soil test data to your yield data.

  • Matching Soil Test Data to Yield Data | Ag PhD

    The Hefty brothers explain how correlating your soil test data to your yield data can benefit your yields and profitability.

  • Automatic Bin Fan Controls | Ag PhD

    Monitor your moisture and protect your profits. The Heftys show you how a simple switch to smart grain bin technology can simplify your life and boost your yield.

  • Soil Testing: Grids vs Zones | Ag PhD

    Soil sampling is fundamental to getting the best yield for your farm. The Heftys probe with orderly grids, but finding zones in each acre could be a more accurate way to see your fertility.

  • Automatic Bin Fan Controls, Fall Pasture Spraying, Grids vs Zones | Ag PhD

    The coming of fall means keeping your grain at the right moisture now through technology, weeding your livestock grass for a spring grazing, and soil sampling in a clear and organized fashion. Plus the Hefty brothers discuss creeping charlie and deep fertilizer placement.

  • Warm vs. Cool-Season Grasses, Test Weight and Protein, Tar Spot Disease | Ag PhD

    The Hefty Brothers discuss how the weather can effect your lawn, how to increase your yield and quality of your wheat, and how they control corn diseases on their farm. Plus they talk buffalobur and windrowers.

  • Make Hay the Best Way | Ag PhD

    Darren Hefty talks about getting the most out of your alfalfa cuttings with a fast and efficient windrower.

  • There's No Fear in Forage Sorghum, But There is in Marketing | Buzzard's Beat

    An inquiry into the way food is labeled is underway at USDA/FSIS - let's talk about labeling! Also, we get our new herbicide-resistant and drought tolerant forage sorghum in the ground. Will it rain in a timely fashion for crop?

  • Technology That Reduces Waste By Capturing What You’ve Already Produced

    North American farmers are losing valuable bushels of corn and soybeans at both the front and back end of their combines -- those bushels never making it to the grain bin. We in Agriculture have been conditioned to focus on increasing production. But what about the money being lost by losing yiel...

  • Soybean Flowering, Satellite Imagery, Tar Spot is Coming | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty talk about why June 21st is significant in soybeans, plus a great new way to study your fields, and what is being done to stop the latest corn disease headed your way. The Weed of the Week is smallflower buttercup. And state of the art farm shops are shown.

  • Satellite Imagery | Ag PhD

    They say a picture worth a thousand words... and now maybe higher yields. The Heftys talk about how 365 satellite snapshots can identify trouble spots in your fields in-season.

  • Aerial Agriculture — A Bird’s Eye View of Drones, Manned Aircraft & Tomorrow

    Drone technology is evolving at a rapid pace. Will we see a future where unmanned aerial vehicles replace the traditional crop duster? Likely not for a number of practical reasons as well as the technology advancements being made in manned agricultural aviation. A more likely scenario is where dr...

  • Precision Ag Brings Benefits to Farm Family | Fridays in the Field | Ep. 1

    Join us for the first 2023 episode of Fridays in the Field and meet Randy Smith, a farmer from Shelby, Nebraska, who has begun using precision technology on his fields.

    Randy's dad, Ron, even jokes about his old-school farming methods.

    Despite using technology to improve production, the dry fa...

  • Sweet vs. Field Corn, Post-Emerge Corn Herbicides, Early Season Insects | Ag PhD

    Why don't people eat the corn produced by most farmers, what are the best products for weed control in growing corn, and what are the bugs you should be scouting for right now? Brian and Darren answer these questions and discuss cursed crowfoot and planter technology.

  • A Lighter Planter in the Field | Ag PhD

    Planters seem to get bigger and heavier, which can effect your crops and soil. Today Darren talks about technology solutions that some manufacturers, like Fendt, incorporate into their machines to limit compaction, uneven seed depths, and pinch rows.

  • Planting in the Strip | Ag PhD

    Darren talks about the necessity of matching your planter to last fall's strip till.

  • The Future of Ag Is De-Globalized | Damian Mason

    If you’ve worked in the Business of Agriculture for one year or the past 50 years, all you’ve known is increased globalization of our industry. That’s changing and the pace of change will likely accelerate during the next decade. Todd Thurman, co-host of The Business of Ag Success Group discusses...

  • 360 WAVE: The Details Make the Difference

    We develop products that just plain work. For a long time. Products that do what we say they will do. But for that to happen, our engineers have to sweat over each component. they have to know what it takes to plug it, break it, and wear it out. Then redesign it to make it more robust. Take a loo...

  • 360 BANDIT: The Details Make the Difference

    Your planter has gotten complicated - applying nitrogen shouldn't be. 360 BANDIT includes features that don't interfere with the performance of the planter's row units: minimal downforce; no change to the geometry of the closing system; maintains ground contact over rough terrain; a hose guide th...