

Technology in agriculture is constantly expanding. With developments in advanced GPS systems, variable rate application, fleet management, data integration, automation, remote systems, and more, you won’t want to miss out on the latest developments.

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  • Manage for the Future - Conversation With 4th Gen Farmer | Damian Mason

    Luke Roush was just a kid when I met him, now he’s managing a diversified Indiana farming operation with his father. We talk about skill sets, strengths, weaknesses, employee management, growth, money, the future, and more. What does Luke see from his perspective? Where are the challenges, and wh...

  • Surface vs. Sub-Surface Drainage, Silica, Dry Beans Management | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty discuss tiling and ditching, their trials with silica, and weed control and more in dry beans. The Weed of the Week is crabgrass. Plus we talk about how drought can actually help you prepare variable rate planting maps.

  • Determining Variable Rate Population | Ag PhD

    Use your drought yield map to help you better set up up variable planting populations. Darren gives you the formulas to help get the most out of your planted seeds.

  • Sprayer Efficiency with Mixmate by Praxidyn

    The average sprayer only sprays about 28% of the total engine hours. Come explore where the efficiency is lost. We evaluate ground speed, boom width, tank size, application rate and loading time along with the cost of operating a sprayer at different efficiencies.

  • Autosteer and GPS, Sunflower Weed Control & Sulfur Needs in Crops | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren Hefty talk about the latest technology in the tractor cab, how to raise the best sunflower crop, and why sulfur is needed even more today than yesterday. Plus johnsongrass is the Weed of the Week, and Iron Talk is all about a new way to adjust your tires to the right rates for t...

  • Central Tire Inflation System | Ag PhD

    CTIS is a new technology that quickly raises your tractor tire pressure for the road and lowers it when you're in the field. When we tried this - it helped our soil, saved fuel costs, and raised our yield.

  • Autosteer and GPS | Ag PhD

    It's a lot easier to get straight rows these days thanks to computers in the tractor cab. Brian & Darren talk about the way producers are using the latest technology to help improve many aspects on the farm.

  • Checking Grain Bins | Ag PhD

    You have a lot income inside those bins, don't forget to keep an eye on the grain over the winter. Brian & Darren have several ideas to help keep your investment safe before you sell it.

  • Prophets (Profits!) of Doom — The Economics of Dire Predictions | Damian Mason

    Cow farts cause “climate crisis” and climate crisis is reducing crop yields, eating eggs causes high cholesterol, global population growth will cause mass starvation, sunlight exposure is harmful to your health. You’ve likely heard these dire predictions confidently proclaimed by so-called expert...

  • 3RIVE 3D System | Ag PhD

    What if your insecticide could get 50% more surface area in the furrow? Foam may be the future of farming.

  • The Future of Ag, Technology, and Equipment | Damian Mason

    Your smart phone has more technology and capability than NASA’s Apollo program had 50 years ago. Think about that, then think about the technology in today’s modern farm machinery. Data collection, yield monitoring, analysis down to the square foot…It’s amazing to say the least. John Deere busine...

  • Machine Analyzer | C & B

    In the John Deere Operations Center web browser, you can use Machine Analyzer to view usage data from your JDLink connected machines.

  • How to Merge Field Data | C & B

    Jeff Buyck walks us through how to merge field data in the John Deere Operations Center™. This is useful when you have different client, farm and field information that comes into the John Deere Operations Center™

  • Measuring Implement Performance | C & B

    By diving into the John Deere Operations Center, you can take an in depth look at how your tools are working for you.

  • John Deere Operations Center Field Analyzer Reporting | C & B

    Performance through documentation into the John Deere Operations Center™ can help you make informed business decisions. Using the information provided in the John Deere Operations Center™ we can view work totals, performance as well as varieties applied. Take a deeper dive into the Field Analyzer...

  • John Deere Yield Monitor Checks | C & B

    In this video, executive vice president of technology, Jeff Buyck, shares what items to check that will help your harvest run smoothly when it comes to the John Deere yield monitor.

  • Detecting Pathogens Proactively with Advanced Soil Analytics | Damian Mason

    Diseases, pathogens, and parasites rob yield from our farms and unfortunately, we usually don’t know we have the problem until the damage is done. But what if a soil analysis — which you are already doing for soil nutrient monitoring — could also predict pathogens so that you could treat the prob...

  • Road Safety, Seed Corn Prices, Soil Test & Yield Data | Ag PhD

    Brian and Darren discuss sharing the road with farm equipment, cutting planting populations when seed corn prices are higher, and how to improve your fertility program by matching your soil test data with your yield data.

  • Combine Automation | Ag PhD

    Darren has some pointers on how to improve your harvest by using tools such as AFS Harvest Command from Case IH.

  • Soil Test and Yield Data | Ag PhD

    See how you can improve your fertility program by matching your soil test data to your yield data.

  • Field Operations at Night, Fix High pH Soil, Late Season Weed-Escapes | Ag PhD

    Yes you can drop your high soil pH, Brian and Darren Hefty have many solutions to help you achieve the ideal balance! Plus they talk night-farming, end of season weeds, drain tile maintenance, and black nightshade control.

  • Field Operations at Night | Ag PhD

    Night-farming happens each fall as producers fight the impending weather to get their crops in. Brian and Darren share their concerns with after-hours farm work.

  • Soybean Moisture, Grids vs. Zones, Baling Residue | Ag PhD

    Brian & Darren Hefty discuss what is best to do with your corn residue, if it's better to harvest soybeans too wet or too dry, and if grids or zones are better for soil sampling maps. Plus there's cone bottom bins and dandelions in today's show.

  • Soil Testing: Grids vs. Zones | Ag PhD

    Brian & Darren say both grids and zones can work on fields, as long as you follow one small rule.