TEVA works with farmers to develop custom fertility programs that increase the probability of healthier, more resilient crops and abundant yields. Coupled with our advanced products, our programs maximize nutrient availability and uptake efficiency.

  • What Every Farmer Needs to Know About the TEVA Difference | TEVA

    Farmers have everyone chasing them for money. From equipment to chemicals, there are a lot of people who want that $1 they’ve got to spend. So what makes TEVA different?

    It’s our commitment to building lasting relationships with our customers. We won’t just stop in to make the sale. We’ll walk t...

  • Sugar in Agriculture | TEVA

    Sugar is plant fuel. And even though plants produce their own, there are benefits to adding sugar to your crops. It can provide the extra boost you need for healthier, more resilient plants.

    Mark and Caleb Coots of TEVA talk about the different kinds of sugar used in agriculture and their pros ...

  • The Importance of Micronutrients in Crop Production | TEVA

    Micronutrients are sometimes called trace minerals, but that term can be misleading. Though needed in lesser amounts than nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, micronutrients are just as essential to plant growth and development. In fact, micronutrient deficiencies can be the limiting factor for yo...

  • Soil and Tissue Sampling Best Practices | TEVA

    Soil and plant tissue testing can provide insights into the health of your soil and crops and help you optimize your soil fertility. But to get good data, you have to collect your samples properly.

    In this video, TEVA’s Caleb Coots explains how, where and when you should take soil and plant tiss...

  • Reclaiming the Nutrients in Your Crop Residue | TEVA

    Post-harvest crop residue contains a lot of valuable nutrients. For example, residue from 150-bushel corn contains roughly 100 lb. of nitrogen, 37 lb. of phosphate, 145 lb. of potash and 26 lb. of calcium. Reclaiming those nutrients can help improve your soil health and save you money. But what’s...

  • The Buzz on Biological Products in Farming | TEVA

    More and more information is coming out about the benefits of biological products in agriculture. But what should you be looking for, and how do you know that you’re actually getting what you think you are?

    Mark Coots of TEVA shares his many years of experience with biological products to help f...

  • MMTS: Molasses Plus Sugar for High-Octane Energy | TEVA

    For years, we’ve known the benefits of molasses as a vital source of minerals and enzymes.

    TEVA produces MMTS molasses mineral impregnated sugar to provide plants with long-lasting carbon energy. It’s processed under strict guidelines to ensure the highest enzyme, mineral and energy content and ...

  • C-CAT: Semi-Organic Crop Enhancer and Soil Stimulant | TEVA

    Developed over 16 years of extensive research, C-CAT improves crop productivity, increasing overall plant growth, nutrient uptake and seed germination.

    C-CAT is a semi-organic crop enhancer and soil stimulant made by extracting the fulvic acid out of humates. Designed to help today’s soils that ...

  • Tips for Foliar Feeding | TEVA

    Does foliar feeding work? The answer is a solid yes — but you do need to follow best practices. For example, don’t foliar feed in hot midday temperatures when plant pores are closed. To maximize efficacy, foliar early in the morning or late in the afternoon, when pores are open and can absorb nut...

  • Everything You Need to Know About Soil Balancing | TEVA

    Many people in sustainable agriculture are using the Albrecht system: a soil fertility approach that emphasizes nutrient ratios. TEVA uses this system in developing its total fertility solutions. It’s important to understand the basics of it and know how to use it on your own.

    TEVA’s Mark Coots ...

  • Breaking Down Phosphorus Fertilizers | TEVA

    When it comes to phosphorus fertilizers, which is better: MAP or DAP? What’s important to know is they break down differently in soil.

    MAP (monoammonium phosphate) is the older form of phosphate and is acidic in nature. Diammonium phosphate (DAP) breaks down to an alkaline form, which can affect...

  • Top 5 Questions Answered About Humates | TEVA

    More humic acid products are entering the market.

    Humates are decomposed organic matter from hundreds of years ago. They are great for rebuilding the organic matter in your soil.

    There are dry humate products and wet humate products. Dry products are good at building up organic matter over time...

  • How Potash Affects Your Soil | TEVA

    Potassium chloride (KCI), commonly known as muriate of potash, is the second-most common fertilizer sold in the U.S. But you need to know what goes on in your soil when you use it.

    As a salt complex, it can cause your soil to become more droughty. It also can cause soil particles to fracture and...

  • Which Is Better: Dry or Liquid Fertilizer? | TEVA

    More growers are recognizing the importance of adding phosphorous and potassium in liquid form into their fertility programs. It’s about feeding the plants, while taking care of the dirt.

    TEVA’s Chris Kasten and Mark Coots discuss the differences between dry and liquid fertilizers. Both have the...