Christine and Erick Kane own and operate a pumpkin farm in Ottawa Illinois. You can spend the afternoon making memories with your family picking out pumpkins and gourds or get lost in their corn maze. They have visitors from all over the country and are dedicated to educating the community about farming and offering field trips to experience where their food comes from.
Up Next in Season 4
Austin O’Neall | 7th Generation Farme...
Austin is a 7th Generation farmer who also won the 20 Under 40 Award from Illinois Soybean Association.
Ron & Deb Moore | Farmers and Leaders...
Ron and Deb Moore understand that agriculture is more than just farming. They know how important it is to be involved in commodity groups like Illinois Soybean Growers and have shown leadership as they have traveled around the world and invited groups to their farm to see first hand what agricult...
Chad & Luke Van Wyk | Fabricators & B...
Chad has always had a creative and God-given gift of fabrication which has led to a family business.