WDAY Weather & Ag In Focus

WDAY Weather & Ag In Focus

Weather and Ag in focus every weekday with the "WAG" Hour, Weather And Ag! Join WDAY Radio's Ag Director and Agriculturist Bridgette Readel plus WDAY Radio meteorologists Dean Wysocki and Justin Storm to discuss the day's weather and farm industry headlines. Topics are relevant to crop production, livestock, and the urban viewer. Up-to-date weather using the accurate LRC model will focus on a region near you! Frequent guests join the conversation to share their expertise and views on what's happening in the industry right now!

WDAY Weather & Ag In Focus
  • Sipping Local Cider | WAG in Focus 11/14/23

    Today's guest is Cottonwood Cider House Manager Daniel Heising

    Cottonwood Cider House: https://cottonwoodciderhouse.com/
    Cottonwood Cider House Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cottonwoodciderhouse/

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 weather@flagfami...

  • What's the Scoop on Ag? | WAG in Focus 11/13/23

    Today's guest is Margy Ecklkamp Brand leader and editor for Farm Journal and The Scoop. She also hosts The Scoop podcast.

    Farm Journal: https://www.farmjournal.com/
    The Scoop: https://www.thedailyscoop.com/
    Farm Journal YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCqTizkFSbhBojVtIkjMEoZQ
    Farm Journal Fac...

  • Local Harvest Update With Mark Anderson | WAG in Focus 11/10/23

    Today's guest is Comstock, Minnesota farmer Mark Anderson

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Meteorologist Dean Wysocki & Meteorologist Justin Storm as they brea...

  • Time to Dry the Tobacco | WAG in Focus 11/9/23

    Today's guest is North Carolina tobacco farmer Susan Ford

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Meteorologist Dean Wysocki & Meteorologist Justin Storm as they brea...

  • The WDAY Collectible Steiger Tractor | WAG in Focus 11/8/23

    Today's guest is Albert Schultz from LeMars Farm Toy Store

    LeMars Farm Toy Store: https://www.lemarstoystore.com/
    LeMars Farm Toy Store Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemarstoystore/
    WDAY Steiger Tractor: https://www.wdayradionow.com/hot-links/limited-edition-steiger-toy-tractor-on-sale-now

  • Terrifically Thrilling Tuesday | WAG in Focus 11/7/23

    Dean and Justin have a fun chemtrail goat filled Tuesday while Bridgette is out on the road on todays thrilling episode!

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Mete...

  • Build Our Bushels | WAG in Focus 11/6/23

    Today's guest is Great Plains Food Bank Communications Manager Jared Slinde

    Build Our Bushels Fundraiser: https://www.wdayradionow.com/hot-links/building-our-bushels-fundraiser-for-the-great-plains-food-bank
    Build Our Bushels Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASjD0qhuOc
    Great Plains Food B...

  • Planning Your Soybeans for 2024 | WAG in Focus 11/3/23

    Today's guest is NDSU Agriculture Assistant Professor Carrie Miranda.

    NDSU Agriculture website: https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/
    NDSU YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NDSUofficial

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or AG@flagf...

  • Giving Our Profit Away! | WAG in Focus 10/2/23

    Today's guests are Flag Family Media President Steve Hallstrom and local farmer Jim Ueland

    Great Plains Food Bank: https://www.greatplainsfoodbank.org/
    Great Plains Food Bank Donation page: https://give.greatplainsfoodbank.org/give
    Here We Grow: https://www.wdayradionow.com/tags/here-we-grow

  • Rural Electrification Took Farming Into the Spotlight | WAG In Focus 11/1/2023

    Today's guest is Marshal Albrigtht President/CEO at Cass County Electric Cooperative

    Cass County Electric Cooperative: https://casscountyelectric.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CassCountyElectric/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CassCountyElectric/featured

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in foc...

  • Sugar! Sugar! Just in Time for Halloween! | WAG in Focus 10/31/23

    Today's guest is Mike Metzger Vice President - Agriculture & Research at Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative

    Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative website: http://www.mdf.coop/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Minn-Dak-Farmers-Cooperative/100063743674583/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@minn-dakfarme...

  • The BEEF Masters | WAG in Focus 10/30/23

    Today's guest is Paul Dybedahl Associate Director at National Cattlemen's Beef Association

    National Cattlemen's Beef Association: https://www.ncba.org/
    Masters of Beef Advocacy website: https://mba.beeflearningcenter.org/
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MastersBeefAdvocacy/

  • The Cutest Cows in Montana | WAG in Focus 10/27/23

    Today's guest is Matt Kleinsasser from Two Cow Mini Cattle.
    Photo source: Two Cow Mini website

    Two Cow website: https://2cowminis.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057047635936
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/two_cow_tribe/

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾

  • All Things Rice | WAG in Focus 10/26/23

    Today's guest is Arkansas rice farmer, Scott Matthews

    You can follow Scott on X at: https://twitter.com/SMatthewsfarms
    Photo in thumbnail was provided by Scott Mathews

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]


  • Autogenous Animal Vaccines | WAG in Focus 10/25/23

    Today's guest is Genova Labs President Melanie Huhta

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Meteorologist Dean Wysocki & Meteorologist Justi...

  • North Dakota is a Wheat Base | WAG in Focus 10/24/23

    Today's guest is Erica Olson Market Development and Research Manager from North Dakota Wheat Commission

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾...

  • Farming With the Ducks | WAG in Focus 10/23/23

    Today's guest is Sam Krohn from Ducks Unlimited

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Di...

  • Legacy Builder | WAG in Focus 10/20/23

    Today's guest is Clint Fisher, attorney at Ribstein & Hogan Law Firm

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief...

  • Terrifically Thrilling Thursday | WAG In Focus 10/19/23

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Meteorologist Dean Wysocki & Meteorologist Justin Storm as they break down Weather and Agriculture topics.

  • North Dakota AgriWomen Presents 40th Harvest of Knowledge| WAG in Focus 10/18/23

    Today's guest is Marsha VanLear from North Dakota Agri-Women

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 weat...

  • Combine Fire Stats Are Ablazing! | WAG In Focus 10/17/23

    Today's special guest co-host is : Angie Johnson NDSU Farm & Safety Extension Specialist

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Direct...

  • Crary Industries Brings You a Full Pod! | WAG In Focus 10/16/23

    Today's guest is Nick Chiodo from Crary Industries

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Chief Meteorologist Dea...

  • Which AI Are We Talking About? | WAG In Focus 10/13/23

  • When Farmers Need a Lawyer | WAG In Focus 10/12/23

    Today's guest is Siegel, Barnett & Schutz attorney Kiera Leddy

    ☁️Watch Weather & Ag in focus LIVE! 🌾
    💬Leave a comment, 📞 701-293-9000, or 🌐 [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join WDAY Ag Director Bridgette Readel & Ch...