Brian and Darren Hefty talk about how to stop winter damage on your roads, how much molybdenum your crops need, and exactly how thick or thin you should plant your corn and soybeans. Tough puncturevine is the Weed of the Week and the Germinator Closing Wheel is discussed in this week's Iron Talk.
Up Next in 2023
Soil Temperature Variation, Elemental...
In this Ag PhD episode, the Hefty brothers discuss how much a soil temp can vary during the day, what to consider when applying elemental sulfur, and when you should incorporate your soil-applied herbicide.
Surface vs. Sub-Surface Drainage, Sil...
Brian and Darren Hefty discuss tiling and ditching, their trials with silica, and weed control and more in dry beans. The Weed of the Week is crabgrass. Plus we talk about how drought can actually help you prepare variable rate planting maps.
Ears of Corn Per Plant, Corn Smut & S...
This week, the Hefty brothers discuss how many ears of corn can be on a single plant, how to fight corn smut, and how to increase or decrease soil organic matter.