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Ag PhD Full Episodes

Water Table, Chemical Component Chart, Tips for Early Planted Soybeans | Ag PhD


Up Next in 2025

  • Crop Rotation, Spray Water Quality, C...

    Brian and Darren explain why farmers alternate which crops they plant, why the quality of the water you use for spraying is important, and things to consider when increasing or decreasing your corn planting population.

  • Kinsey Soil Seminar 2025, Insecticide...

    Ready for some new ideas? The Hefty brothers invite you to learn soils from a world expert, teach you about insecticide chemistry, and alternatives in soybean weed management. Plus, the Weed of the Week is prickly lettuce, with an Iron Talk on using your computer.

  • Insect Life Cycles, Drought-Proof You...

    Brian and Darren discuss how farmers deal with insects differently, depending on their life cycles. They also offer tips on how to help your crop handle dry conditions, and talk about what to consider when choosing a multiple-mode-of-action pre-emerge corn herbicide.